Teacher Program Guide
This guide provides information on the California edition of Amplify’s ELA and ELD curriculum.
Amplify ELA: Program Overview
Introduction to program themes
Strategic use of technology and multimedia
Authors and advisors
Teachers explain: The Amplify ELA classroom
Program at a glance
Amplify ELA: Instruction, assessment, and feedback
Skill instruction and practice
- Overall approach to assessment and feedback
- Feedback and Revision Assignments
- Formative assessments and reporting
- Summative assessments
- Grading and Gradebook
- Student goal-setting guide
Rigorous instruction for all students
- Universal Design in Amplify ELA
- Universal Design with English Learners
- Differentiation strategies
- Integrated instruction for English Learners
What’s worth reading: Texts to build knowledge and skills
Amplify ELA: Extended learning
- The Amplify Library as a digital instructional tool
- Approach to research
- Creating an independent reading program
Student Work Collection and Rubrics
Amplify ELD: Program description and resources
- Amplify ELA integrated instruction
- Amplify ELD designated lessons
- Foundational skills for English Learners
ELD formative assessment guide
ELD guide for communication and collaboration
Amplify ELA units: Background information for ELD instruction