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Amplify digital experience: FAQ

Frequently asked questions

Updated over 5 months ago

How do students log in?

Students will log in using individual student usernames and passwords. For some districts, usernames and passwords utilize a Single-Sign-On (SSO) integration such as Clever, while others have students use their Google accounts. Check with your school administrator to see which login credentials your students should be using. Students can now scan QR codes on their devices to open lessons. Click here to learn about QR code login.

How do students access lessons?

This depends on how you assign the lesson. If you assign the lesson through Amplify, students can access it through Student Home. Student Home is where students land when they log in to Amplify and where they can access their Amplify-assigned lessons, the Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) Hub, and the Science Apps page.

The Amplify student home to-do list with assignments.

You can also assign lessons through Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, or a lesson link that you can copy into the LMS of your choice. Assigning through an outside LMS or through a link will bring students directly to the lesson instead of Student Home. Learn more about elementary assigning here.

The assign feature in Amplify curriculum, with options for Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Amplify, or Copy Lesson Link.

What does Start Class do?

Starting class:

  • Launches the Presentation tab, allowing you to display lesson content on a separate screen while viewing the Teacher Guide tab privately on your own screen

  • Triggers the Presentation tab tutorial if you have not already gone through the tutorial

  • Automatically pulls any logged-in students in your selected class to the slide you are presenting (Students who log in to Amplify after you have already started class are also automatically pulled to your location.)

How do I control what slides students see?

You have three options for slide pacing:

  1. Teacher-led mode (Presentation Sync On): When you click Start Class, you’ll automatically be in Teacher-Led mode (Presentation Sync On). In this mode, students are automatically synced to your presentation location as you advance through the slides.

  2. Student Navigation mode (Presentation Sync Off): After starting class, you can alternatively switch and go into Student Navigation mode (Presentation Sync Off). In this mode, students are able to independently navigate through all of the slides in the lesson. Access this option by clicking in the three-dot Menu in the lower-right corner and moving the toggle to Off.

  3. Student Pacing mode: If you’d like to allow student navigation through a specific subset of slides, you can utilize Student Pacing mode. To do so, click Select student slides next to the Presentation Sync toggle. You can then select the slides you’d like students to be able to access.

    Student Navigation mode (Presentation Sync Off) is the default. To prevent students from accessing lesson content ahead of you, we recommend waiting to assign students lessons until you're ready to start teaching.

    When you Start Class, students will only be able to switch between the slides you have selected for student pacing. You will still be able to access all slides on both your Teacher Guide and Presentation tabs.

If you would like students to be able access other Amplify programs (i.e., Boost) while you are teaching a lesson in the digital experience, make sure your Presentation Sync is set to Off.

Can I temporarily pause student screens during the presentation?

Yes, you can pause student screens. When you click Pause, students’ slide shows will be taken over by a full screen directive: eyes on teacher.

Students can’t interact with the slide show when their screen is paused, though you will be able to advance slides on the Presentation screen.

How do I move students through a lesson?

In the Teacher Guide tab, you will advance slides using the purple arrows in the lower-left corner, which updates the Presentation tab. If students are synced to your presentation, this will advance them to the next slide.

Can I look ahead at upcoming slides without changing what is projected or displayed on student screens?

Yes! You can preview slides without changing the Presentation tab or student screens by clicking on individual slides at the bottom of the Teacher Guide tab. Hover over the purple arrows and slide thumbnails will appear. Then, select whichever slide you'd like to preview in more detail. If you decide you want the class to jump to that slide, you can click Present in the upper right of the screen. Doing so will update the Presentation tab and student screens (if you are in Teacher-led mode).

How do I end a class?

To end class, Close the Presentation tab or the Teacher Guide tab. When class ends, students are directed back to Student Home. If the lesson was assigned through Student Home, they can go back into the lesson and navigate on their own asynchronously. You can also click End Class in the lower-right corner of the Teacher Guide slide navigation.

How do students submit their work?

Students can digitally complete their work in the digital experience. Students can type, draw, and submit audio files and images through interactive worksheet pages. Work is automatically saved for students and updated as students make changes to their work.

How do I monitor students and review their work?

Monitor class progress across a whole lesson by clicking on the blue Class button in the lower-left corner.

Students in your class are listed along the left side of the View Work page that opens. Interactive slides where students can complete written work are listed along the top. A simplified preview of student work for each page is visible within the grid.

Access student work for a given activity by clicking on that activity in the student work grid or by clicking View Work, which appears on the Teacher Guide tab on slides with interactive written activities.

Review work across all students for this activity or click on an individual student to look at their work.

Click Present to share a student’s work (which displays the selected student’s work with an anonymized name) to foster discussion and sensemaking. You can also use this to help identify gaps in your students’ understanding.

For Science educators, watch your students record data, complete drawings, submit images and audio files, and work on written tasks in real time via digital investigation notebook pages.

For CKLA educators, watch your students respond to questions, trace letters, and work on written tasks in real time via activity book pages.

How can I preview what my students see?

You have the ability to emulate your students’ experience, including completing your own version of the digital student activities, so you can feel confident about how it looks and works when teaching. Click the three-dot Menu in the lower right, then click Student View to open a new browser tab where you can preview your students’ experience using your educator account.

Any work you complete in the Student View will be saved to your account automatically. You can review and present saved teacher demo work that you complete this way, just like you can with real student work.

Why can’t students use shared student logins for the digital experience?

A key benefit of the digital experience is auto-saved student work that teachers can review in real time. These capabilities are only available using personalized accounts to preserve student privacy and prevent multiple students from overwriting each other’s work. This is not available when using a shared login.

How do I get back to the presentation tutorial I saw when I first entered a digital lesson?

Click ? in the upper-right corner of the screen at any time to launch the tutorial again.

Can I teach lessons in the digital experience if I don’t have a second screen to extend to?

Yes! Starting class will open the Presentation tab, which you can present and navigate on directly using the keyboard arrow keys, using the slide controls at the bottom of the screen, or swiping on a touch screen. Just be aware that you won’t be able to look at the Teacher Guide notes simultaneously unless you open them on a separate device!

Can I edit lessons and activities in the digital experience?

Yes! With MyAmplify for Google Slides you can edit digital experience lessons, create your own worksheets, add many different forms of content (including websites and videos), and even use lessons you’ve made on your own.

How do I make a copy of a lesson to edit and customize?

You can make a copy of a lesson from either the Lesson Brief in the Curriculum App or from within the lesson when you click Teach. On the Lesson Brief, click Get Lesson Slides, which will open a tutorial and ask you to pick a Google account to link. A copy of the slides opens. In Classroom, click the three-dot Menu, click Get Lesson Slides, and follow the same prompts.

How do I make new activities for lessons I’ve copied?

Download the MyAmplify for Google Slides add-on from the Google Marketplace to edit lessons, create new activities, and assign or teach lessons in the digital experience.

In the lesson that you copied or are editing, open the add-on by clicking Extensions in the Google Slides navigation, click MyAmplify for Google Slides, and then click Open MyAmplify.

The add-on opens to the right of your slides and from there you can click Worksheet to add an interactive worksheet to the current slide you’re working with or click Webpage to insert content from another page.

Make sure you can see a preview of the website before you click Website as some sites won’t allow you to include it this way.

What types of content can I add to lessons I’ve edited?

We currently support the following types of content:

  • New worksheets/activities via the add-on

  • Website content via the add-on

  • Videos added from Google Drive

  • YouTube videos

  • Amplify eBooks, sims, games, and other apps (just add via Website in the add-on)

  • All regular slide content (e.g., text and images)

Can I provide students feedback digitally?

The digital experience does not currently provide digital feedback capabilities.

How can the digital experience be used in a remote setting?

For Science, you’ll assign a lesson to your students through Amplify, Google Classroom, or Microsoft Teams, or by copying a lesson link to assign through another LMS of your choice.

If you are teaching synchronously, we recommend that you Start Class and screen share the Presentation tab in Zoom or Google Meet while you refer to the instructional information and monitor your students’ work in real time from your private Teacher Guide tab.

If you are teaching asynchronously, you can assign lessons to students and, unless you Start Class, they can move through slides in Student Navigation mode. In this case, you can still review student work from the Teacher Guide tab at any time. If you Start Class while students are working asynchronously, this will switch to Teacher-led mode and you will have to manually turn Student Pacing mode back on.

For CKLA, if you are teaching synchronously, we recommend that you screen share the Presentation tab in Zoom or Google Meet and monitor student work in real time from your Teacher Guide tab. If teaching asynchronously, you won’t need to start class, but you can still review student work from the Teacher Guide tab at any time.

Will the digital experience change throughout the year?

We will roll out additional features based on your feedback to improve the experience for you and your students. We’ll announce new features as they are released!

I am a CKLA user and the digital experience used to be in the Hub. Where can I find it now?

For students:
Student Home serves as the central landing page for K–5 students when they log in to Amplify. At Student Home, students can access all of their Amplify assignments and activities, including apps, their to do list, and their past work.

For educators:
Educator Home serves as the central landing page for all educators when they log in to Amplify. At Educator Home, you can access all of your Amplify products.You can find the Hub in the Tools section of your Programs & Apps menu.


Failed to publish content error

If you receive a “Failed to publish content” error, please run our Allowlist Validator.

You can work with your IT administrator to whitelist any URL that is not validated.

Admin needs to review enrollment feed for correct staff email address error

If you receive an “Admin needs to review enrollment feed for correct staff email address” error, please make sure that you are logged in to your Google-enabled email address that is connected to your Amplify account.

  1. Select a lesson.

  2. Click the Get Lesson Slides button.

  3. Log in to Google with your Google-enabled email address.

  4. Allow to access your Google Account.

Need Permission extension error

If you receive an “Need Permission” extension error, please reach out to your district’s IT administrator and ask them to allow the Add-on feature to download in Amplify.

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