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MyAmplify for Google Slides Add-on
Updated over a week ago

Customize and create new content with MyAmplify for Google Slides

MyAmplify for Google Slides helps you personalize and extend Amplify content to better engage the students you know best. The Add-on seamlessly works with Google Slides and Amplify to easily modify content, add interactive digital activities, and/or create new ones from scratch for students.

With MyAmplify for Google Slides, you get the best of both worlds: research-backed content and interactive activities for CKLA and Science from Amplify, paired with tools to scaffold, differentiate, and personalize lesson content to meet the needs of your students.

Two screens - the first shows how teachers can add a graphic organizer or other custom worksheet to the lesson with the Amplify Customize Add-on. The second shows the teacher drawing and writing on the custom worksheet in Classroom.

Two screens - the first shows how teachers can add a graphic organizer or other custom worksheet to the lesson with the Amplify Customize Add-on. The second shows the teacher drawing and writing on the custom worksheet in Classroom.

How to get started

MyAmplify for Google Slides was designed and tested with teachers just like you to make it easy to use, save you time, and fit your workflow.

  1. Make a copy of the lesson you want to customize.

    Begin by choosing a lesson you want to personalize and click Get Lesson Slides in the Lesson Brief or Classroom.

    Two screens. The first shows where educators can find Get Lesson Slides from the Lesson Brief in the Curriculum App; the second shows where educators can click to copy and customize the lesson from the three-dots menu in Classroom.

    Once you click Get Lesson Slides, a new tab will open where you will be asked to select a Google account to link with your Amplify account. This is a one-time action you need to take to ensure the lesson goes to the Google account you wish to use. Please select the boxes in Google’s consent screen, as indicated in the following images, to provide us with the data sharing permissions needed for this feature.

    (A website showing how a user selects a Google account to receive the lesson copy.)

    A website showing how an educator selects a Google account to receive the lesson copy.

  2. Install and open the MyAmplify for Google Slides Add-on.

    After you select a Google account, the lesson copy will open in the same tab.

    Next, install the MyAmplify for Google Slides Add-on. You can get it by clicking Add-on in the navigation bar in Google Slides and then Get Add-ons. You can also access it directly in the Marketplace. Be sure to install it with the same Google account that you chose to link with your Amplify account.

    (A screen showing an educator opening the Amplify Add-on from Google Slides' Add-on Navigation menu)

    As a digital experience educator with the Amplify Add-on installed, you can open every CKLA and Science lesson in Google Slides to personalize. Remember to open the Add-on when you want to add new worksheets, websites, and are ready to save the lesson to use in Amplify.

    (A screen showing an educator opening the Amplify Add-on from Google Slides’ Add-on Navigation menu)

    A screen showing an educator opening the Amplify Add-on from Google Slides’ Add-on Navigation menu.

  3. Add and personalize content.*

    1. In addition to the great native tools available in Google Slides, the Amplify Add-on gives you the ability to add rich content to lessons such as:

      • Amplify interactive resources (e.g., eReaders, SIMs, and games)

      • interactive worksheets

      • other websites

      • GIFs

      • videos

    *Legal Disclaimer: Only upload content you own or have the right to use with our platform.

    Two screens - The first showing how an educator can add a website or an internal Amplify resource like a Sim or eReader with Add website; the second showing how the website preview feature appears after Add website is clicked.

    To transform a slide into an interactive worksheet in Classroom, click Worksheet in the Add-on. You will be able to select whether you wish to create one from scratch using Slides or upload a PDF from your computer.

    To create a worksheet from scratch, click Create. After a moment, you’ll see a banner applied to the slide you selected. This banner tells our app that the slide you selected will be an interactive slide in Classroom—please don’t delete it! You can use this feature with slides you already have or use it to create totally new interactive slides. To create a worksheet from a PDF, select the “Import” button and choose a PDF from either your Google Drive or computer. You will see a placeholder image on the slide. (PRO TIP: you can use Google and Word docs too—just save them as PDFs on your computer to use as a worksheet.)

    You can also add many websites by clicking Website in the Add-on. This will open a pop-up where you can drop in a link from most websites to include in your lesson. Some websites block this functionality but you’ll find many support it, and it is a great way to bring in other resources from around the web into your instruction.

    The Add-on will then allow you to teach the lessons in Amplify’s immersive digital experience for teachers and students. Just click Save to Amplify!

    Please note that lessons you publish with the Add-on will include a discreet banner making it easy to distinguish content that you’ve created or modified.

    Two screens showing that when an educator clicks Save to Amplify the new lesson appears in Classroom with a customized banner at the top right.

  4. Publish your lesson to teach or assign in Amplify or an LMS

    1. Now, you can easily assign and teach your personalized lesson in real time within Amplify or assign a link to the LMS of your choice (e.g. Teams and Google Classroom), allowing students to access your lesson with just a few clicks.

    (A screen showing the Assign panel open within a lesson opened in Classroom where users can assign the lesson within Amplify or through an integration with an LMS)

    A screen showing the Assign panel open within a lesson opened in Classroom where educators can assign the lesson within Amplify or through an integration with an LMS.

    After publishing a lesson you can still make edits before students begin work on the lesson. Simply make the edits you want in Google Slides and click “Save” in the Add-on. No need to re-assign, the lesson will automatically update wherever it is assigned.

    Please note, if you install the Add-on and click Save to save a new lesson before linking your Google account, you’ll be asked to do this step after clicking Save (and signing into Amplify if not already logged in).

    Click here to learn more about assigning and sharing links to custom or original Amplify lessons.

    A teacher’s custom slides will save year over year in My Content. Saved student data from one academic year will not be available the following year.

  5. Share and Collaborate

    Want to share the lesson you customized with your colleagues and coaches? The custom lesson is saved and stored in your own Google Drive. You can use Google Slides’ and Drive’s native sharing features to share the deck so others can benefit too. (Note: only other teachers with Amplify digital experience licenses will be able to teach in Amplify’s platform with lessons modified through the Add-on.)

    If you are a co-teacher, you can access the published lesson by sharing the URL of the lesson in Amplify with your co-teacher to review student work, present the lesson, or guide the class.


Are there any file formats you don’t support?

Our first release supports video files stored in your Google Drive, images, and YouTube videos. We don't currently support PDFs as worksheets added directly to slides.

I already have lots of lessons in Google Slides I want to use—can I?

Yes! We are so excited to help you use the digital experience as a rich and engaging learning platform with content you already have. You can enhance the lessons you have with the Add-on or use it to teach and assign the lessons in the Amplify platform. One note: there are a few native Google Slides features like Slide Animations that won’t work in the App.

Can I change the Google account that I linked to my Amplify account?

Yes! You can now unlink your account using a new tool on the Lesson Brief. Click Help and then click Reset Google Account. A tutorial will open showing you the account you currently have linked and will ask you to confirm that you wish to unlink that account. After you have unlinked the account, you may choose another account to use and will go through the same process as you normally would.

A screen showing an example Lesson Brief where the educator clicked Help to access the Reset Google Account tool.

A screen showing a modal with a button to unlink the selected account.

Customize tips

With Customize you have new ways to engage every student in your class. Here are some ideas for ways you can get started:

  1. Scaffold access to content

    1. Now it’s easy to add a video, vocab game, graphic organizer, or other interactive activity to help students find new ways to engage with the content. Here are a few steps you can take:

      • Add a graphic organizer as a new interactive slide to help students organize their thinking before a longer writing activity.

      • Add in multiple versions of assessments to check End of Unit understanding.

      • Add in optional workbook/investigation pages to extend and offer choices for how students can connect to the material.

      • Add a short video that explains the concept in a different way.

      • Add in Amplify resources to support specific skill-building, like the vocab app or any items from the Resource Hub.

      • Extend and stretch students with an additional activity that challenges them to think critically.

    Two screens - the first shows how teachers can add a graphic organizer or other custom worksheet to the lesson with the Amplify Customize Add-on. The Second shows the teacher drawing and writing on the custom worksheet in Classroom.

  2. Capture and document class conversations in real time

    1. Interactive worksheets help take your classroom discussions to the next level. You can:

      • Just like you could with a whiteboard or chart paper, you can add in an empty interactive slide in which you can take notes from a class conversation and come back to later as an artifact. This is also a way to help some students engage, see, and process the conversation at their own pace.

      • You can also turn a discussion question slide in Amplify’s content into an interactive doc to capture different student responses and share out with the class.

      • You can also use this approach to engage the class with a live collaborative writing session, either guided by prompts or building from what students are sharing in class.

    A screen showing a teacher presenting work that a student did on a custom worksheet in Classroom

    A screen showing a teacher presenting work that a student did on a custom worksheet in Classroom.

  3. Add a Do-Now or Exit Ticket to quickly check in with students

    Whether you’re asking students about how they’re feeling or checking their understanding of a key concept, you can add an interactive slide with a few questions at the beginning or end of a lesson to see real-time responses from students. With new features in Classroom, students can write, draw, record audio, or upload and take photos to express their thoughts.

    This can be a great opportunity to ask prompts to better understand student well-being.

  4. Add in the content you already have!

    No need to splice and dice the experience. You can add new content slides to:

    • Share student groups

    • Highlight scientific inquiry/writing process steps that your school and district use

    • Highlight past responses or student work to reteach concepts or address miscues

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