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Admin Portal: FAQ

This is the Admin Portal's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Updated over a week ago

For Batch Upload FAQ, click here. For mCLASS FAQ, click here.

Enrollment FAQ

As a customer enrolling with an external enrollment source, does this sync back to Clever/ClassLink/GG4L?

Class data entered in the Admin Portal will not sync to external sources. If you create a class in the Admin Portal, it will only exist in the Amplify system.

What is the benefit of Admin Portal for Clever/ClassLink/GG4L customers?

Depending on permission levels, teachers and admins will be able to:

  • View program access

  • Apply Amplify programs to classes or staff members

  • Create staff members who are not enrolled through Clever and ClassLink

  • Provide staff members access to Admin Reports

  • Create initial teacher or student access to preview programs

What are some limitations of Admin Portal for Clever/ClassLink/GG4L customers?

For customers that use external enrollment sources, such as Clever, ClassLink, or GG4L, all staff and student enrollment data should be shared through the external enrollment source, not the Admin Portal (this prevents errors that may be caused by duplicate or conflicting records). The Admin Portal can be used to add additional staff, such as reading specialists, literacy coaches, volunteers, or substitute teachers, who are not considered employees of the district.

Classes entered in the Admin Portal will not sync to external sources; they only exist in Amplify.

Do data updates sync back to Clever, ClassLink, GG4L, or Amplify OneRoster CSV?

Classes entered in the Admin Portal will not sync to external enrollment sources. If you create a class in Admin Portal, it will only exist in Amplify.

For mCLASS customers with Amplify curriculum products, how do I set a class as an official class? How do I set a teacher as an official teacher?

If a student is rostered to a class, the primary teacher for that class will be the official teacher for that student. If a student is rostered to more than one class, the first class that the student is rostered to will be designated as the student’s reporting class and that class’ primary teacher will be the student’s official teacher for mCLASS reporting.

What’s the difference between mCLASS Admin and Admin Portal?

If you are a returning mCLASS customer who previously enrolled via mCLASS, you may be familiar with mCLASS Admin. Unless you have added other Amplify products or you have heard otherwise from your school or district leadership, you will continue to enroll via mCLASS and use mCLASS Admin to manage your enrollment for the current school year.

If your district uses both mCLASS and Amplify curriculum, and you do not use a third-party enrollment platform such as Clever, ClassLink, or GG4L, you will use the Admin Portal to enroll your staff and students. When you use the Admin Portal to enter or update your enrollment information, it updates your staff and student rosters for all your Amplify programs. As a result, you will no longer need to access mCLASS Admin, but your staff can continue to use the mCLASS Groups feature to create informal student groups for small-group instruction or intervention. If you created enrollment records in mCLASS admin, you will notice that the traditional access roles have been modified slightly when you enroll through Admin Portal: Full mCLASS access is given to administrators and Standard mCLASS access is given to all staff.

How is the "primary teacher" in the Admin Portal related to the "official teacher" for mCLASS reporting?

If a class has more than one teacher associated with it, the teacher designated as its primary teacher is its official teacher for aggregate reporting purposes.

How are students enrolled through the Admin Portal assigned an mCLASS reporting class?

If a student is rostered to more than one class and a reporting class isn’t indicated, the first class that the student is rostered to within the Admin Portal will be designated as the student’s reporting class.

I received an error message saying, "Email should be unique." How do I fix this?

Each email address across all Amplify products must be unique. Try the following options to resolve this issue:

  1. Double check the spelling of the email address to confirm that you have entered it correctly.

  2. Confirm that this email is not already assigned to someone else in your district.

    If the email address belongs to an account that was deactivated, go to your Staff List page or Student List page and filter the list by "Deactivated," then reactivate the account.

  3. If you still receive an error message after trying these solutions, the email address may have been previously registered with Amplify but not as a part of your organization. Contact Amplify Support to resolve this.

I received an error message saying, “Amplify domain is restricted.” How do I fix this?

Email domains with @amplify are not accepted for staff and students.

Amplify enrollment requires a unique email for all staff and students (this information is used to verify that each account is unique across all districts enrolled with Amplify). The email addresses you provide do not have to be real emails connected to an email inbox. If you are providing fake emails, we recommend that you create an easily recognizable, patterned email structure that you can reliably manage to make sure that the email address tied to each staff or student record is unique.

For example: email is entered as or

Please change the email domain: staffname_IDnumber (at) yourschoolname (dot) org, or studentname_IDnumber (at) yourdistrict (dot) edu, using standard email format.

Amplify only uses student emails for login purposes (if Amplify login is activated) and will never send emails to your students.

If your district manages rosters directly through the Admin Portal, students do not have to log in with student emails. You can request Amplify to activate Amplify Login, so that teachers can generate usernames and passwords for their students.

What happens to my enrollment data in the Admin Portal when I update through my enrollment source? How does my enrollment data change when I update manually in the Admin Portal?

If your district enrolls through an external enrollment source (e.g., Clever or ClassLink), most data synced from the enrollment source can be updated temporarily in the Admin Portal or through Batch Upload, but will be overwritten with the next sync from the external enrollment source. This happens typically within 24 hours.

All student enrollment data must be shared through the external enrollment source and cannot be created in the Admin Portal in order to prevent errors that may be caused by duplicate or conflicting records.You should also share your staff enrollment data through your external enrollment source. Learn how to roster non-Student Information System staff (such as reading specialists, literacy coaches, volunteers, or substitute teachers) here.

The following information in Amplify systems is not changed by the external enrollment source sync:

  • Amplify-only data fields, such as Class Display Name

  • Adding the staff role Administrator to a Teacher

  • Classes created directly in the Admin Portal

  • Additions of students and staff into classes

  • Changing the class role between Teacher and Co-teacher, or vice versa

The Admin Portal can be used to add additional staff, such as reading specialists, literacy coaches, volunteers, or substitute teachers. This enrollment data does not sync from the Admin Portal back to your enrollment method. If you make any changes directly in the Admin Portal after the initial file upload (e.g., editing a staff member’s name), you will need to reconcile those changes within your external enrollment source to match the information in the Admin Portal.

Be aware that changing the Display Name or the identifier (class ID) of a class will be reflected in your Amplify programs. This may affect other educators using the Admin Portal as well as educators and students associated with the class.

  • Editing the identifier will change it throughout Amplify programs.

  • Editing the Display Name will have the following effects:

    1. The Display Name entered will replace the Class Name in Amplify programs.

    2. For mCLASS aggregate and classroom reports, the Display Name entered will replace the Class Name.

  • Once entered, the Display Name for a class can be edited, but not deleted.

While it is possible to set the user role in external enrollment data sources (e.g., Clever or ClassLink), you should keep in mind that changing a teacher to an administrator may confer additional privileges within those systems. Additionally, adding an educator’s role to be a teacher and an administrator in the Admin Portal will not be overwritten by subsequent external source syncs.

When using OneRoster CSV, an incremental sync does not update your organizations (schoolID and schoolName).

How do I deactivate or reactivate an account?

If a student or staff member is no longer with your district, you will need to deactivate their account.

To deactivate an account:

From the staff member’s profile page or the student’s profile page,

  1. Click on the drop-down menu that says Active.

  2. Select Deactivated.

  3. A message displays, click Deactivate Staff to confirm.

  4. Click Save Updates to save your changes.

If a staff member or student returns to the district or was accidentally deactivated, you will need to reactivate their account.

To reactivate an account:

From the staff member’s profile page or the student’s profile page,

  1. Click on the drop-down menu that says Deactivated.

  2. Select Active.

  3. A message displays prompting you to choose the staff member’s or student’s organization. Choose the organization, and click Activate Staff or Activate Student.

  4. Click Save Updates to save your changes.

Note: If you need to add the staff or student to multiple schools, you can do that by adding them to additional organizations after the initial reactivation is complete.

General FAQ

How do users get access to the Admin Portal?

All enrolled staff will have Standard access to their classes and students. To request access to edit enrollment info and grant permissions to staff, please contact your Technical Onboarding rep and they will grant System access to one staff member in your district. The staff member with System access can then grant System or Enrollment access to others as necessary.

Who will have access to what features in Admin Portal?

What happens if a student accesses the Admin Portal?

Students do not have access to the Admin Portal. If they try to access the link to the Admin Portal, they will receive an error message with a prompt to return to My Account. Staff members may see this error message if their email address is incorrectly saved in our database as a student. Please contact Amplify Customer Care and Support to resolve this error.

Will users lose access to Admin Portal after the school year ends?

A user account must be active in a district or school to view features in the Admin Portal. Features are contingent on the user’s permission level.

If the user’s account has been deleted or is inactive in a district, they will lose access to the application features because their account is unavailable in their district. However, if the user’s account is changed to active, they should have access again.

Will Admin Portal work for mCLASS customers?

New mCLASS customers and returning and new Amplify curriculum customers will have access to the Admin Portal (depending on their permission level) and access to mCLASS Groups and Assessment Importer in mCLASS Groups (a specific set of features within mCLASS Admin). When you are on the mCLASS Groups page, you can click the Rosters link to return to the Admin Portal. See Permissions.

How do I update my class Display Name?

Every class has a Class Name and an optional Display Name. The default name is the Class Name when no Display Name is specified.

Any teacher in the class can edit the Display Name in the Admin Portal. Administrators can bulk edit class display names either from the Class List page in the Admin Portal or through a Batch Upload. Adding or editing a Display Name will not impact the Class Name.

Be aware that changing the Display Name of a class will be reflected in your Amplify programs. This may affect other educators using the Admin Portal as well as educators and students associated with the class.

  • Editing the Display Name will have the following effects:

    1. The Display Name entered will replace the Class Name in Amplify programs.

    2. In mCLASS applications, the Display Name entered will replace the Class Name for mCLASS aggregate and classroom reports.

  • Once entered, the Display Name for a class can be edited, but not deleted.

To edit your class Display Name:

  1. Click Classes on the Rosters page to open the Class List page.

  2. Click the name of the class that you want to edit to display the Class Profile page.

  3. In the Display Name field on this page, enter the name you want to display for your class.

  4. When you have finished entering the class information, click Save updates at the upper right of the page to save your changes.

To learn how to bulk edit your class Display Names, click here. To learn more about Batch Upload, click here.

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