The Class list page displays a list of the classes you have access to. Depending on the organizations you have access to, you may need to select a district and/or school at the upper left of the page. You can also edit several classes at once.
After you view the product tour, use the following links to view articles containing more details about specific functions of the Class list page:
You can search your Class list by class name, display name, and identifier.
You can filter classes by grade, subject, and status (active, archived, and deactivated). Click Apply filters to filter classes or click Clear filters to clear filters.
If you have System or Enrollment access, you can create individual or multiple classes, add licensed programs, add staff and students, and deactivate classes. You can also edit several classes at once.
If you have Standard access, you can view your classes.
The Actions list
You can select multiple classes in the Class list. When you select classes, the Actions list displays in the breadcrumb menu. From the Actions list, you can edit multiple classes without having to open each class profile individually or download a CSV.
To bulk edit classes, you must have System or Enrollment access.
Select the classes to edit.
When you select one or more classes, the Actions list displays in the breadcrumbs menu.
You can choose to Edit classes, Add staff, Add students, Add programs, or Download classes.
Bulk edit
Select the classes to edit.
From the Actions list, select Edit Classes. The Bulk edit classes panel displays.
You can edit the status (Active, Archived, or Deactivated), the class subject, and the grade level of all selected classes. You can also edit the Display Name and identifier of the individual classes.
Status: Active classes are visible to teachers. Archived classes are not visible, but can be reactivated by teachers. Deactivated classes are only visible and editable by System and Enrollment access staff.
Class subject: If your district has implemented mCLASS, classes with subjects specified by your administrator are synced to mCLASS.
Grade level: The grade level of your class.
Changing the Display Name or class ID will be reflected in your Amplify programs. This may affect other educators using the Admin Portal as well as educators and students associated with the class.
Editing the class ID in the Bulk edit panel will change it throughout Amplify programs.
Editing the Display Name in the bulk edit panel will have the following effects:
The Display Name entered will replace the class name in Amplify programs.
In mCLASS applications, the Display Name entered will replace the class name for mCLASS aggregate and classroom reports.
Once entered, the Display Name for a class can be edited but not deleted.
Click Save Updates to save your edits or click Cancel to cancel the changes.
The Class list page displays, and any edits you saved display.
Make sure to only select the boxes for the classes you want to apply changes to. Edits are applied to all selected classes when you click Save Updates (with the exception of Display Name and class ID edits, which are applied to individual classes).
Click here to learn how to Bulk edit Class Display Names with Batch Upload.
Add programs
Select the classes.
From the Actions list, select + Add programs.
The add programs panel displays. You can select programs that your organization has a license for to add to your classes.
Click + Add Programs to save your changes.
License membership is not necessary for Boost Reading, Amplify Desmos Math, or mCLASS. If you don’t see mCLASS and you think you should, please contact Amplify Enrollment and Licensing. Learn more about Programs and Licenses.
Download classes
Select the classes.
From the Actions list, select Download classes.
A users-classes.csv file containing the selected classes downloads. The CSV file contains the school ID, school name, class ID, class name, class display name, and class grade, with empty fields for all other column headers in the users.csv file. You can modify this file to update classes or adjust rostering for the staff or students in those classes.