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Admin Portal: Rostering non-SIS Staff

Using Batch Upload to enroll your non-SIS staff in Amplify

Updated over a week ago

If you have staff such as reading specialists, literacy coaches, volunteers, or substitute teachers who are not shared via your Student Information System (SIS) from Clever, ClassLink, Global Grid For Learning (GG4L), RapidId, or Amplify OneRoster CSV to Amplify, the Admin Portal can be used to add them and assign them to schools and classes.

Learn how to roster Non-SIS Staff directly in the Admin Portal.

Rostering Non-SIS Staff with Batch Upload

⚠️ Admin Portal Batch Upload does not accept non-SIS student records from districts sharing enrollment data from Clever, ClassLink, GG4L, RapidId, or Amplify OneRoster CSV.

Rostering non-SIS staff can be done manually via Admin Portal or done by Batch Upload, a self-service feature available to administrators with System access and Enrollment access to bulk upload enrollment and rostering data.

Note that this article only applies to staff not added to your SIS (the system your institution uses to manage student data: e.g., PowerSchool or Infinite Campus); all SIS-managed staff should be shared from your SIS through your chosen enrollment method, not the Admin Portal (this prevents errors that may be caused by duplicate or conflicting records).

Staff uploaded via the Admin Portal:

  • Will not sync back to your enrollment method; these staff are only available for use in Amplify systems.

  • Must have a valid email account with an inbox, so the staff can receive emails to reset their password, or authenticate through Google, Clever, ClassLink, or your district's Single-Sign On.

⚠️ Before uploading, please verify that a unique school ID has been applied to all organizations. Unique identifiers are required to use Batch Upload (refer to the users.csv data dictionary for more information on unique identifiers).

Setting a Primary Teacher

If your district uses mCLASS, you can set a staff member as the primary teacher when you add staff to your classes. This primary teacher will be the official teacher in mCLASS for reporting and assessment.

When you add your support staff (those not rostered with your SIS) via Batch Upload, you can set a staff member as the primary teacher by entering True in the primaryTeacher field for the staff member in your CSV template.

Uploading Staff

  1. Click Admin Portal to open the Admin Portal, then click Upload to open the Batch Upload page.

  2. Click the link to download the sample users.csv template. users.csv enrolls your staff and rosters them in classes.

  3. Review the instructions on the left side of the Batch Upload page. Refer to the data dictionaries that describe each column and the allowed values.

    Enter staff data into the corresponding columns in the templates. Save your CSV file in an easily accessible location for uploading and in case you need to update your rosters during the school year. For returning customers: you can navigate to the Staff List page and click on the checkboxes on the left side. In the drop-down menu, select Download staff. This file can be used as a starting point for your new upload.

  4. On the Batch Upload page, click Select file and upload them, or drag and drop your CSVs into the upload area. One users.csv is accepted at a time.

    Error messages:

    ⚠️ If a required or conditional header is missing, misspelled, or improperly capitalized, or if you add column headers not present in this table, the upload will fail. Review the error message, revise the file, and click Select file to upload the revised file.

    ⚠️ If the file has missing, invalid, or additional data, download the provided error report. The report contains a notation of each error per row of the file along with instructions for how to resolve the error. Correct each error in your file and upload the file again.

  5. After your file is uploaded successfully, click Process file.

After processing is complete, the system generates a report, and if necessary, a follow-up error report, that shows a count of records created, updated, no changes, and errors for every school, staff, class, and enrollment.

Your roster data will display in the Admin Portal as soon as it’s processed. If any changes are made directly in the Admin Portal after the initial file upload (e.g., if you edited a staff member’s name), you will need to reconcile these changes with your locally saved file.

To learn more about the columns, data requirements, and accepted values for each field in this CSV file, you can view the users.csv data dictionary.

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