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Amplify Desmos Math: Grading assessments

Efficiently review submissions from the Teacher dashboard

Updated yesterday

For end-unit assessments and quizzes in Amplify Desmos Math, you can grade your students’ work in the Teacher dashboard.

Navigate to the activity you want to grade, and click Begin Grading from the activity title menu.

When Grading mode is turned On:

  • Students are anonymized and shuffled, to support unbiased grading of students’ work.

  • The activity is paused, to prevent students from modifying their work while you are grading.

  • Some work is scored automatically, and teachers can view the scores in the Summary dashboard:

    • A checkmark is correct, and is scored with a 4 for Exceeding.

    • An x is incorrect, and is left to be scored by the teacher using guidance from the rubric — except incorrect multiple choice, which is scored according to the rubric, with a 1 for Beginning.

    • A - shows that the student did not submit any work, and it is scored as “No work.”

You can grade your students’ work in two ways: Summary view and Teacher view.

Summary view

Click into any student screen to bring up the Grading panel.

You can select the following score options:

  • 4 Exceeding

  • 3 Meeting

  • 2 Approaching

  • 1 Beginning

  • - No Work

You can also leave feedback for the student to accompany it.

Click Done and Close after scoring the item and entering feedback (if applicable).

You can see Sample Responses, if available, and the Rubric from the Summary view.

From the top navigation, click the up arrow or the down arrow to move between students’ responses to this item. You can also click Next to score the next item for this student, or < to return to the previous item.

Teacher view

Click any item to open the Grading panel. You can view all students’ responses to that item, and select the students’ answers to provide bulk feedback to the selected students.

You can also click the Select all visible students check box to select every student currently shown on the screen.

Choose a score for the selected students, and enter your feedback. Feedback will be sent to all the selected students.

Resume lesson and share scores

Click Resume and Share to end your grading session. The grades are automatically saved for that activity.

A window displays, and you can choose to share scores with your students. If you want to share the scores immediately, click Share Scores Now. If not, click Don’t Share Scores.

Resuming the lesson will unpause the activity so students can read any feedback you sent them. If you choose to share scores, students will see the scores you have assigned.

When you share scores, students will receive a notification on Student Home. They can view and edit the item, but any work will not be saved.

If you’d like to create a CSV to send grades to your online gradebook, click Export Grades in the activity title menu.

Assessment reporting

Learn about Teacher reporting:

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