Self-Service Administrator Reports are available for Amplify Desmos Math Grades K–5, 6–8, and Algebra 1. District and school administrators can access these reports from their Programs & Apps menu.
With Administrator Reports access, administrators can see an overview of teacher and student usage and performance data by unit or skill for the current school year. Detailed assessment data report views are also available for download as a CSV file.
Districts and school administrators overseeing classrooms that are also active in other Amplify programs will be able to see those reports in the same application.
Any lessons or activities delivered with a single session code will not be reflected in Administrator Reports.
How to get access
In order to access Administrator Reports, administrators must have access to the Amplify Desmos Math curriculum and have Reporting Access permission associated with their district or school. If you believe your account has met these two criteria, but you are still not able to see Administrator Reports, please reach out to one of your colleagues who has System Access for assistance.
Find your colleagues
You can find your colleagues who have System Access by navigating to the Amplify Admin Portal.
Click Admin Portal in your Programs & Apps menu. The Rosters page of the Admin Portal displays.
To find colleagues who can help, click Permissions & Rostering on the Rosters page.
On the panel that displays, click Get help from colleagues to see the list of your colleagues who can help you get access to the Administrator Reports.
Administrator reports are updated multiple times per day. Administrators can log in at any time and see student activity and progress up to the previous school day.
Upon logging in, administrators will land on the Snapshots page. The Snapshots page provides a quick glance at the number of active schools, teachers, classes, and students. Active users have signed in and interacted with Amplify since the start of the school year. Licensed users have been given access to Amplify.
Data on this page is aggregated based on the districts or schools you are associated with. For example, a district administrator would see the total active in Amplify Desmos Math across all schools in the district, and a school administrator would see a total for their specific school(s).
From the Snapshots page, navigate to other areas of Administrator Reports:
Click Explore Reports to view your available reports.
Click Download your data to see options for downloading your reports.
Usage reports
Administrators can see an overview of student and teacher activity through usage reports, including:
To switch between usage reports, click on the link for the report you want in the left menu.
For all usage reports, digital usage is defined as joining a digital lesson in which five or more students participated. Print usage is not included in admin reports.
Digital user activity
You can filter usage reports by time period, school, and grade. The reports on the page will reload each time a filter is changed.
When you filter to an individual school, or by default if you are a single-school administrator, you will see the usage data divided by class.
This report can help you understand which schools and classes are using Amplify Desmos Math, and identify opportunities for support. You can also view a specific time frame to compare usage across schools, grades, or classrooms.
Weekly digital active users
The weekly usage reports show how many teachers and students across the school or district have participated in an Amplify Desmos Math session each week.
You can filter by school, grade, and time period.
This report can be used to see how often educators and students are using Amplify Desmos Math.
Digital lessons assigned
The lessons assigned district view shows the number of teachers who have assigned lessons in a particular school and subunit. You can filter by school, grade, and time period.
You can also filter this report by unit.
Administrators with a single school, or administrators with multiple schools who filter by school, can see which lessons have been assigned to which classes.
This report can help you understand whether lessons are being assigned, and units are being completed, according to a school or district’s pacing calendar. You can use the information about which units were taught and when to inform the pacing calendar for the upcoming year.
Admin reports can only report on digital lessons assigned, not on print lessons. Some K–5 lessons are print-only and will not be included in the report. Customized lessons are also not included in this report.
Performance Reports
The Unit Performance report gives you a clear percentage breakdown of how unit assessment responses have been scored for every standard evaluated in the end-of-unit assessment. You can filter by school, grade, and time period.
You can also sort the report by standard and unit, or use the rubric check boxes to compare performance across one or more rubric categories at a time.
You can use this report to easily track performance on any standard at any end-of-unit assessment.
Customized assessments and assessments that students took using a Single Session Code are not included in this report.
Download your data
Administrators can download student usage data and teacher usage data, as well as student assessment data for the Beginning-of-Year Screener Completion, Beginning-of-Year Screener Domain Scores, End-of-Unit Assessment Completion, and End-of-Unit Assessment Scores.
Completion reports collate data of students who have a score for any items on the Beginning-of-Year Screener or End-of-Unit Assessments. The Completion files can be used to identify which students participated in the Beginning-of-Year Screener or End-of-Unit Assessment.
Scores reports can be used to analyze Beginning-of-Year Screener results by domain or the End-of-Unit Assessment performance by problem.
Navigate to Download your data.
Choose the Type of data to download.
Download the Data Dictionary for more information.
Choose the Course for the data you want from the list.
Choose the Time of year.
Choose the Population for the report you want to download:
If data is not available, the options are inactive.
Click Download CSV to download the report or Return to reports to cancel.
The size of the file will continue to grow as the school year progresses and more data is accumulated. For a detailed explanation of the columns and data included in the file, refer to the Data Dictionary for Amplify Desmos Math PDF available in the Administrator Reports app.
Customer Care and Support
If you need help, click the Amplify Chat icon in the lower right of your screen within the program.