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Amplify Desmos Math: Student Home K–5

Information about the landing page for students in Grades K–5 using Amplify Desmos Math.

Updated over a week ago

Students arrive at Student Home after logging in to From Student Home, your students can complete assignments and access other features of your institution’s Amplify programs. Student Home has a new look and feel for the new school year, with a new Apps section that gives K–5 students quick access to other parts of the Amplify platform.

The example screen shots in this article show a student with additional Amplify programs. In this article, only the features relevant to Amplify Desmos Math will be described.

Navigate to:

K–5 Student navigation

The student navigation displays across the top of the page and includes the student's name, the key icon, the backpack icon, and the Log out icon.

  • Students click the key icon to enter a single session class code generated by a teacher. The teacher generates a code for an activity and shares it with students.

  • Students click the backpack icon to view important links (depending on licensed products), including links to their Amplify programs. When students are in another part of the platform (e.g., in a lesson), they see a Home icon in the navigation bar that they can click to return to Student Home.

  • Students click the logout icon to log out of Amplify.


Students can click their avatar to edit the characteristics and personalize it.

The Avatar builder for K–5 students has a time limit of 2 minutes each day. After this time has elapsed, students are prompted to save and they are returned to Student Home. They can return to the Avatar builder the next day.

K–5 Student Home

Student Home appears slightly different depending on students’ grade level and Amplify programs licensed.

Student Home K–1

Student Home 2–3

Student Home 4–5

Three buttons display at the top of the page: Apps, To Do, and Past Work.


When students arrive at Student Home and they do not have any assignments, the Apps view displays.

  • In the new Apps view, students have quick access to the places within the platform that they need to reach at different times during the week or year.

  • App buttons display based on license entitlements, so students will only see buttons for products they are entitled to.

To Do

When students arrive at Student Home, the To Do view displays if they currently have assignments.

Student Home K–1

Past Work

Students click Past Work to view this section. This section includes the assignments that the student has marked complete (Grades 2–5 only) or that have passed the teacher-set due date.

Student Home K–1


The Assignment stream displays current or past assignments. In order for students to see their previously submitted work and upcoming assignments in Student Home, teachers need to assign it.

  • Students click To Do to display the stream of current assignments or Past Work to view completed assignments.

  • Each assignment is on a card that shows the program, Unit or Lesson information, and due date (if one is set).

  • Students click an assignment card to open the assignment, or click the green check to mark the assignment complete (Grades 2–5 only).

  • Students in Grades K–1 do not check off their assignments. Assignments will move to Past Work at the end of the day or on the due date, if one is set.

Additional Resources

  • For more information about Student Home, see Student Home 6–A1.

  • For more information about navigating Student Home for all Amplify products, see Student Home.

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