Program components

New York City Companion Lessons

Amplify Science was designed from the ground up to meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The New York City Companions for Grades 6, 7, and 8 enhance the Amplify Science curriculum by providing additional companion lessons to address the New York State P–12 Science Learning Standards (NYSP–12SLS) that go beyond the NGSS. The companion lessons also ensure that the NYSP–12SLS are covered at the appropriate grade levels in Amplify Science units and align with the New York City sequence.

The companion lessons are designed to complement the existing Amplify Science units by building on what students are learning and extending their understanding of unit concepts. Each companion lesson includes a recommended placement within a specific Amplify Science unit. The format of the companion lessons is similar to other Amplify Science lessons, but some companion lessons are designed to take more than a single class period. A suggested time frame is included with each companion lesson. Each companion lesson also includes a science background to support teachers with the science content introduced in the lesson. For work completed in the student booklets, possible student responses are included at the end of each companion lesson.


There are 14 NYC Companion Lessons spread across 9 units. Teachers can find the NYC Companion Lessons in two places as they prepare to teach each of those 9 units: 1) in the back section of the print Teacher’s Guide, and 2) in the Digital Resources section (as downloadable PDFs) of the lessons we have designed the Companions to follow. See below for a list of which lessons those are.

  • Harnessing Human Energy (6th) — Lessons 2.2 and 3.3
  • Thermal Energy (6th) — Lesson 2.5
  • Populations and Resources (6th) — Lesson 3.4
  • Weather Patterns (6th) —  Lesson 1.3
  • Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate (6th) — Lesson 3.3
  • Metabolism (7th) — Lessons 3.2, 3.3, and 3.5
  • Phase Change (7th) — Lesson 2.2
  • Chemical Reactions (7th) — Lessons 1.3 and 2.3
  • Magnetic Fields (8th) — Lesson 2.2


Materials for each Companion Lesson in your grade level will come packaged together in an NYC Companion Kit. The materials list included in the kit will indicate which items are for which unit and lesson.