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Transitioning to the new mCLASS Math (coming in 2025–2026)
Transitioning to the new mCLASS Math (coming in 2025–2026)

Information on transitioning to the brand-new mCLASS Math experience for current mCLASS Math K–3 educators.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Welcome mCLASS Math K–3 educators! This article will walk you through the incredible new experience of mCLASS Math coming in 2025.

If you are an Amplify Desmos Math educator, learn more about the mCLASS Beginning of Year Screener here.

What is the new mCLASS Math?

We are updating mCLASS Math to expand its capabilities and extend it to be an all-in-one K–8 math assessment solution!

In addition to the expansion to Grades 4–8, the new digital approach of mCLASS Math represents the next generation in math assessment. It provides educators not only with reliable measures of student achievement, but adds an asset-based approach to analyze student responses to reveal underlying mathematical thinking and recommend next steps.

When will the new version of mCLASS Math be ready?

Current K–3 educators will begin transitioning to a brand-new experience starting in July 2025.

mCLASS Math will be available for the 2025–26 school year for Grades K–5, and for the 2026–27 school year for Grades 6–8.

What will be new for mCLASS Math?

mCLASS Math is expanding to include Grades 4–8!

The updated mCLASS Math will feature whole-class benchmark and progress monitoring assessments. This reliable digital benchmark and progress monitoring system evaluates student performance against grade-level expectations and growth throughout the year, seamlessly integrating with intervention and core instruction to provide rich, actionable, data-driven recommendations on where and how to support learning. The new mCLASS Math experience will be on Amplify’s Educator Home.

Educator Home

mCLASS Math Classic (legacy)






Verbal, paper/pencil

Digital, computer-responsive technology

Progress Monitoring

Verbal, paper/pencil

Digital, computer-responsive technology

Administration model

Teacher-administered (K–1)

Group-administered paper/pencil (2–3)

Whole class, students on devices

Online reporting

Growth measures

(New! Reliable growth measures + asset-based reporting)

Integrated with core curriculum and intervention

Aligned with core and intervention resources, and integrated into the Amplify platform

Validated by research

Aligned to the Achieve Model for rigorous testing of CCSS for mathematics.

(In-depth field study and third-party research coming in 2025!)

mCLASS Math Benchmark assessment

This powerful digital assessment is whole-class administered for benchmarking three times a year: beginning of year (BOY), middle of year (MOY), and end of year (EOY).

Student Home

Students experience the new mCLASS Math Benchmark through Student Home.

The mCLASS Math Benchmark is designed with a focus on analyzing student responses to reveal underlying math thinking, evaluating what students know about grade-level math, and informing instructional decisions. Additionally, these assessments:

  • Allow teachers to see student work in real time throughout assessments.

  • Include diagnostic capabilities to further target Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention areas.

  • Identify the specific areas of strengths and development to inform differentiation in 30 minutes.

  • Provide support and risk indicators for dyscalculia.

mCLASS Math Progress Monitoring

mCLASS Math Progress Monitoring helps teachers evaluate student progress between mCLASS Benchmark assessment periods. These small-group assessments are intended for students who may need additional support, informing teachers if targeted intervention is working or if adjustments are needed to accelerate growth. These 15-minute assessments can easily be administered every two weeks, and teachers are encouraged to use them in ways that best meet their instructional needs, student goals, and organizational guidelines.

What is asset-based reporting?

All students have their own ways of thinking. Their individual strengths, experiences, understandings, and strategies—or assets, as we collectively refer to them—inform the robust data that powers mCLASS Math. This rich data helps teachers see not only what students know about grade-level math but also provides insight into how they think, so teachers can better plan both whole-class instruction and targeted intervention.

The integrated insights and intervention recommendations of mCLASS Math empower teachers to implement timely scaffolds and targeted intervention when needed. Following screening and progress monitoring, teachers can differentiate when, where, and how intervention matters most with customizable, high-impact resources to support all learners.

What will the new mCLASS Math reporting look like?

The new digital experience of mCLASS Math will provide teachers with ready-to-use data immediately. Data provides teachers with targeted, actionable insights, linked to core instruction and supplemental intervention resources.

Teachers can see how students are doing throughout assessments in real-time on the Teacher Dashboard.

Performance Reports, viewed by Item or by Standards, can immediately be seen following assessments.

The new asset-based approach to reporting allows teachers to understand students’ mathematical thinking at the Domain and Item level.

Teachers can access deeper insights into students' mathematical understanding with Student Thinking Reports.

The robust data of mCLASS Math builds comprehensive profiles of each student's specific math understanding at any given time. With actionable insights provided by mCLASS Benchmark and Progress Monitoring assessments, teachers are given the data they need to inform Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention.

Are there any intervention resources included within the new mCLASS Math?

The integrated insights and intervention recommendations of mCLASS Math empower teachers to implement timely scaffolds and targeted intervention when needed. Following screening and progress monitoring, teachers can differentiate when, where, and how it matters most with flexible, high-impact resources to support all learners.

Teachers can build grade-level proficiency through 15-minute Mini-Lessons and assign Boost Personalized Learning.

Reinforce students’ understanding of concepts through independent Fluency Practice, and customizable practice with Item Bank.

Extensions allow students to challenge themselves and extend their learning through student choice. Engaging, student-led Centers are also available in PDFs.

Will I still have access to the data from the legacy mCLASS Math?

Following the transition to the new mCLASS Math experience, historical data from the legacy mCLASS Math will no longer be accessible to teachers.

We encourage educators to download their data before fall 2025, when all previous data from mCLASS Math (legacy) will no longer be available.

Need more information?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any other questions by emailing

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