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Manage Classes: Amplify classes

Teachers can create their own classes.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Teachers can create and manage their Amplify classes, add co-teachers, invite students with a class code, and, if applicable, add programs to their classes.

Creating an Amplify class

  1. Click New class.

  2. From the menu, click Amplify class.

  3. The Create Amplify class options display.

    If you belong to one school, the school name auto-populates.

    If a class is assigned to the wrong school, an administrator with system or enrollment permissions can edit the school.

  4. Enter the Class name, and select the Grade(s) and Subject(s).

  5. Click Create class.

  6. The class details display and a class code is issued. The class code automatically expires after 30 days. Learn more about class codes.

From the class details, you can present or share the class code, and add programs and co-teachers to your class.

Managing an Amplify class

The Manage classes landing page lists all the classes you have created or imported.

a. Go to Educator Home

b. Create New Amplify classes or import classes

c. View existing classes

d. Class cards

e. View Archived classes

f. Access help pages

Click the class card to open the class details. You can also click the three-dot menu to archive the class. Learn more about Archived classes.

Amplify class details

Click a class card to open its corresponding Class details page. From the Class details page, you can view the class information, along with students and teachers rostered in the class, and the class code.

h. Edit

Class name, Grade(s), and Subject(s)

Click the pencil icon to edit the class details. You can edit the Class name, Grade(s), and Subject(s).


To ensure your students get the right content, you or an administrator at your school must associate at least one Amplify program with the class. A program is a unique set of content or applications, such as Amplify Desmos Math K–5 or Amplify Desmos Math 6–A1. Learn more about programs.

Each class can be assigned one or more programs. If a program is entitled to your organization, it is automatically available to any actively-enrolled educator. If your district or school assigns programs to classes, ask your administrator if you aren’t seeing your programs.

If applicable, you can add programs to your classes. If a class has been archived, you must restore the class before you can add programs.

  1. Click the class card to view the class details.

  2. Click the Add programs field.

    A list of your available programs displays.

  3. Select the programs you want to add to the class.

    All the programs your class has access to display, including programs you added and organization-level programs.

    TED_MC_ClassDetails_ELA_Students.png (1280×1003)
  4. Students in the class have access to the programs. You can assign student work through individual lessons and activities.

If you believe one of your classes is missing a program or you don’t have access to a program that you should, contact your administrator.

Students tab

The Students tab contains the list of students in the class. You can manage the class code, edit students’ names (only for students enrolled via the Admin Portal or self sign up), edit their grade level, or remove students from the class.

TED_MC_ClassDetails_Sci_Students.png (1280×880)

Class code

Share your class code with students to add them to the class. Once they enter the class code, they are enrolled in your class, and have access to all the programs associated with the class. Learn more about class codes.

Assign lessons and classwork to your students within individual lessons and activities.

Edit students

In the Students tab, you can edit the class grade for all students, or edit an individual student’s name or grade.

Edit individual student names and grades

Depending on their enrollment method, some students have a pencil icon in their row, indicating their name (Admin Portal, self sign up) and grade level (Admin Portal, self sign up, and Google classroom) can be edited.

  • Students enrolled via external sources must have their information edited in the external enrollment source, with the exception of students enrolled from Google Classroom, whose grade level can be edited.

  • Student names synced from external sources like Google, Clever, or ClassLink, cannot be edited.

  • Student grades synced from external sources like Clever or ClassLink cannot be edited.

  1. Click the pencil icon in the row of the student you want to edit.

    The edit pop-up displays in the student’s row. The edit pop-up looks different depending on the student's enrollment method. In the example, the student is enrolled via the Admin Portal, so the name and grade can be edited.

  2. Edit the student’s first name or last name by entering their name in the appropriate field.

  3. Select a grade level from the grade list to add or change the student’s grade.

    In the example, the student is enrolled from Google classroom, so only the grade can be edited.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

    To exit the edit pop-up without saving changes, click X.

Edit the grade for all students in the class

  1. Click the three-dot menu to the right of Grade.

  2. Select the grade from the drop-down menu.

    The grade you selected is applied to all students in the class whose grade can be edited.

  3. To remove the class grade for all students in the class, click Remove all grades.
    The assigned grade is removed from all students whose grade can be edited.

Changing the students’ grades will be reflected in your Amplify programs. This may affect other educators using Amplify as well as the students whose grades were updated.

Remove students

Students cannot remove themselves from a class once they have joined. If they are no longer in the class, the teacher or administrator can remove them by clicking the Recycle bin icon to the right of the student’s name.

If the student is removed, they will still be able to log in to Amplify, but will only have access to their active classes.

Teachers tab

From the Teachers tab, you can add or remove co-teachers from the class.

Adding co-teachers

  1. Click Add co-teachers.

    The Add co-teachers options display.

  2. Enter the teacher’s email address.

  3. Click Add.

The teacher will receive an email inviting them to join your class.

If they have an existing account, they can sign in to Amplify using the email associated with their account. If not, they should sign up for a new account.

Co-teachers can be removed from a class, but Primary teachers cannot. A Primary teacher must contact their administrator to be removed from a class in Admin Portal. Co-teachers can remove themselves from a class.

Present class code

A class code generates when a class is created. It displays on the Class details page. Share the class code with your students so they can enroll in your class.

Learn more about class codes.

If a student is no longer in a class, or is enrolled in the wrong class, a teacher or administrator can remove them from the class. If the student is removed, they will still be able to log in to Amplify, but will only have access to their active classes.

Student Login options

You can generate QR codes for your students. QR codes allow students to log in to Amplify curriculum and applications quickly and easily by scanning their own unique code. They can be printed and distributed to students.

Generate QR codes for your class:

  1. Navigate to the Students tab of the Class details page, and click Login options.

  2. Click Download ZIP to download the QR codes or View QR codes to generate the QR codes on your screen.

  3. If you clicked Download ZIP, you can print the codes for your students to scan using their device. If you clicked View QR Codes, your students can scan the code from your screen using their device.

Learn more about Amplify QR code logins, or check out the QR Code Login FAQ.

Archive class

Archiving a class hides the class from teacher and student work spaces, but the archived class retains the teacher and student enrollment records, and can be restored.

Only primary teachers can archive a class.

To archive a class:

To archive a class from the Manage classes page:

  1. From the class card, click the three-dot menu to archive the class.

  2. The class card disappears from the Manage Classes page and is moved to the Archived classes page.

To archive a class from the Class details page, click Archive class.

The page refreshes and displays the archived class page. The class code is expired, and the students and staff are inactive.

To restore an archived class:

  1. Click Archived classes in the left navigation to view your archived classes.

  2. Click the class card to open the class details.

    The archived class details display.

  3. Click Restore class.

  4. The class is removed from the Archived classes page and is visible to the enrolled teachers and students in their classes.

    It will display on your Manage classes landing page again.

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