Amplify ELA offers several opportunities to evaluate your student’s understanding and mastery of the content. There are weekly formative writing assessments and daily reading comprehension checks, summative end of unit essays, and summative assessments for reading and writing. With this article, we’ll answer your questions about how scoring works for each of these assessments as well as where you can find the rubrics.
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Formative assessments
Formative assessments include Exit Tickets, Solos, In-lesson Reading Activities, and In-lesson Writing Prompts. Formative assessments and data from in-lesson questions feed into the Embedded Assessment Measure. Learn more about formative assessments here and EAM here.
Exit Tickets
Exit tickets provide you with insight into whether students understood the lesson’s text and objectives. Most exit tickets consist of selected response questions, which are autoscored. You can access these scores in Classwork.
If the Exit ticket includes any constructed response questions, you will need to mark those correct or incorrect in Classwork.
New: Exit-ticket reports provide an overview of your students’ performance on exit tickets across lessons in a unit. You can view the percentage of correct answers for a lesson or get data on students who gave fully or partially correct answers, and the number of students who answered incorrectly or didn’t submit work. You can also view student performance by question.
Solos are great for monitoring your students’ individual comprehension of new text. Most Solos consist of selected response questions, which are auto-scored. You can access these scores in Classwork. You can also track student progress on Solos in the Reporting App with the Comprehension report.
If there are any constructed response questions, you will need to mark those correct or incorrect in Classwork. Learn more about Solos here.
Writing Prompts
Students produce in-lesson formative writing 2–3 times per week. This writing is scored by Amplify ELA’s Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE), which assesses students for Focus, Use of Evidence, and Conventions. These scores provide critical feedback for teachers and data for Amplify’s writing reports.
You can access students’ AWE scores for their in-lesson formative writing through Classwork. Plan to review student scores, adjusting any with which you don’t agree, and provide targeted feedback to help improve student performance.
Learn more about AWE here.
While you review your students’ writing, you can also review the AWE rubrics for Focus, Use of Evidence, and Conventions by clicking the information icon included above students’ scores and alongside their responses. You can also find printable PDFs of teacher-facing rubrics and exemplars as well as student-facing rubrics in the Materials section of the Year Overview.
Learn more about Amplify ELA’s rubrics for in-lesson formative writing and see exemplars here.
Not all writing prompts are auto-scored in all skill areas. Narrative responses are not scored for Use of Evidence. Some analytic responses do not receive Use of Evidence auto-scores because the range of possible textual evidence that students might choose is too broad for the auto-scorer to be able to evaluate whether students have chosen their evidence appropriately. In these moments, you can use the rubric to manually score those responses.
You can also plan to monitor student writing progress in the Reporting App. By reviewing the Writing Skills Report, you can see how your students are progressing against each skill. Use this data to inform how you use Flex Days and make other instructional decisions around writing.
Summative Assessments
Summative assessments include summative essays and summative reading assessments. Learn more about Summative assessments here.
Summative Essays
Summative essay sub-units appear at the end of each core unit. Summative essays are not auto-scored and do not feed into the AWE. Instead, plan to use the rubrics found in the Materials section of each essay lesson. Essay rubrics are printable if you’d like to distribute them to students or use them to share student scores. The Materials section also includes printable sentence starters and a graphic organizer.
Summative Reading Assessments
Summative reading assessments include selected response and constructed response items. Selected response questions are auto-scored, and you can access your students' scores in Classwork.
The constructed response portion of the summative reading assessment is not auto-scored. Instead, plan to use the Focus, Use of Evidence, and/or Conventions rubrics that you can print from the Materials section of your Year Overview or access in Classwork.
Learn more about Amplify ELA Assessments, Reporting, and Grading.