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Amplify ELA: Assessments

An overview of Amplify ELA Assessments

Updated over 7 months ago

Amplify ELA curriculum has embedded assessments in each unit that allow for uninterrupted instructional time. This gives you student performance data before the end-of-unit or benchmark exams. Amplify ELA offers three types of assessments: Formative Assessments, Summative Assessments, and Interim Assessments. These assessments are embedded throughout the curriculum, giving you the data you need to meet the needs of all your students. The Embedded Assessment Measure (EAM) reports allow teachers to easily track and interpret student performance. Learn more about EM reports.

Formative Assessments

Built-in daily formative assessments are all aligned to lesson objectives. These formative assessments build on the previous assessment and together with summative assessments inform the Embedded Measure (EM) reports, which allow you to easily track and interpret student performance.

Formative Assessments include:

Exit Tickets

For 2nd edition Amplify ELA users, exit tickets are at the end of each lesson (except for essay sub-units) and align to a lesson objective. Exit Ticket reporting provides teachers with a quick gauge of students’ ability to meet that objective.


Solos are completed before the next lesson. In most Solos, students do a “cold” read of a passage and answer questions designed to assess their understanding, draw their attention to important details, and develop their familiarity with a range of question types. Learn more about Solos.

In-lesson Reading Activities

In-lesson reading activities include any auto-scored responses that students hand in. Students work on these individually, in pairs, or in small groups. Their responses to these questions give you insight into what they understand and what you might have to revisit.

In-lesson Writing Prompts

In-lesson writing prompts occur every 2-3 lessons. Students complete the writing activities individually. You can provide your students with feedback on their writing and track their progress with Reporting and Classwork, so that you can plan additional supports for students as needed.

Summative Assessments

Each ELA Unit has summative assessments for writing and reading skills.

Summative Assessments include:

  • Unit essays

  • Unit reading assessments

Unit essays assess each student’s understanding of the content and helps you evaluate student mastery of reading and writing skills. The essays are presented as a subunit that walk students through the writing process and include 4 to 5 lessons to plan, draft, revise, and polish a multi-paragraph argumentative or informational essay. These lessons build on the skills students have been developing in the writing activities of the core curriculum: Productivity, Focus, Use of Evidence, and Conventions. Essays are not auto-scored and do not feed into the AWE. Instead, you should plan to use the rubrics found in the Materials section of each essay lesson.

Unit reading assessments evaluate each student’s understanding of the content and student mastery of reading skills. The reading assessments align to the skills and objectives that students worked with throughout that particular unit and the passages should be familiar from the previous sub-units, as well. You will receive an auto-score for the selected response section and you can use the embedded rubric to score the constructed response items. Each assessment also includes a rationale, located in the Materials section of the lesson, that provides in-depth explanations of correct answers.

Plan to use the summative assessment scores to analyze the data and determine key areas where students made growth or need additional support.

Interim Assessments

Amplify’s interim assessments are designed to give teachers baseline data on students’ proficiency with reading and writing standards and to measure students’ progress with these standards over the course of the year.

Each grade level has two reading interim assessments and two writing interim assessments. Teachers are encouraged to administer the first reading and writing interim assessments within the first 4–8 weeks of the school year, and to administer the second reading and writing interim assessments 4–8 weeks before any end-of-year state or national assessments.

Amplify has partnered with Illuminate to provide interim assessments online. We can also provide print versions of these interim reading and writing assessments. You can find these Interim Assessments in the Other Resources section of your Programs & Apps menu. Please speak with your district administrator to find out the best method for your district to administer and review these interim assessments.

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