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Amplify ELA Classwork: How to easily access and review student work
Amplify ELA Classwork: How to easily access and review student work

Efficiently review submissions with side-by-side scoring, commenting tools, and streamlined navigation between students.

Updated over a week ago

Classwork is your feedback tool for all digital submissions in the middle school curriculum. Classwork is organized by class section with four tabs for main navigation. The Activities tab collects class-level submissions, while the Portfolios tab focuses on an individual student. The Insights tab provides recommendations for your students. The Levels tab allows you to adjust differentiation scaffolds for each student.

Use Classwork to view and score your students’ work and send them feedback. You can also print and export Amplify work and scores to transfer to your district’s grading software or LMS (Learning Management System).

Classwork navigation

Activities Tab

To get started, choose a class section with the dropdown in the top left corner of the screen. You can then navigate to the unit, sub-unit, and lesson you’d like to review. Each submittable activity is represented in Classwork by a row, and activities will only appear in this tab if at least one student has submitted them. You can scan each row for general information, or click the down arrow to expand a class summary for the activity.

Class Summary Tables

Upon expanding an activity, you’ll see a summary table for the entire class. Each student is represented by a row, with columns for the submission status, custom score, and feedback status. Additional columns with differentiation levels, rubric scores, word count, multiple-choice scores, and general comments may apply for some activities. You can easily create and adjust custom scores or general comments at a high level in this view.

There are five possible submission statuses:

  • Not Started: the student does not have any in progress work for this activity. This is the default status.

  • In Progress: the student has begun working on this activity, but has not yet clicked Hand In.

  • Handed In: the student has submitted the activity for teacher review. Any auto scoring of student responses will take place upon handing in.

  • Handed In Late: the student has submitted the activity past the set due date.

  • Revising: the student has previously handed in the activity, and now has saved but unsubmitted changes. The student should click Update to confirm their changes.

  • Resubmitted: the student has clicked Update and resubmitted the activity after the teacher has sent feedback. If the teacher sends feedback on an activity that has been resubmitted, the status will revert to Handed In.

The icons for feedback status represent the following:

  • – : none, feedback has not been drafted.

  • Pencil: feedback has been drafted, but not yet sent to the student.

  • Closed envelope: feedback has been sent to the student.

  • Open envelope: the student has clicked on and seen the feedback.

Portfolios Tab

The Portfolios tab allows you to focus on a single student, which is particularly useful for conferencing moments. Select a student with the dropdown near the top-left corner of the screen, then filter their portfolio of Amplify work by content, activity type, or submission status.

Your students receive notifications in their Student Home. Learn more about Student Home.

Insights Tab

The Insights tab provides data-driven recommendations for students that would benefit most from your feedback. The recommendations are generated by reviewing student submissions within the previous two weeks. Insights are composed of three categories:

  • Celebrate: students who received high scores on recent writing activities.

  • Needs Support: students who frequently received low scores on recent writing activities.

  • Needs Attention: students whose work has received the fewest teacher comments, and could benefit from some more feedback.

Clicking a student’s name directs you to review that student’s writing so you can provide impactful guidance via scores and comments.

Levels Tab

The Levels tab allows you to manage differentiation levels for your class. Simply drag and drop students between the levels as needed to adjust their supports in curriculum lessons throughout the year.

Student Work

Submission Notifications

A notification will display in the bell at the top right corner of the screen each time students click Hand In or Update on a submittable activity. Notifications for all classes will be retained for 14 days, with the most recent notifications displaying at the top of the list. Dismissing notifications or marking them as read is not currently available.

If multiple students updated a particular activity in their respective accounts, you won’t get a separate notification for each student. Instead, a summary of the number of students that had a change in submission status for the activity will display. Clicking a link for an activity updated by one student will take you directly to the review screen for that activity. Clicking a link for a summary notification will take you directly to the activity.

Reviewing Student Work

Click any row in the Activities tab to begin reviewing work for the first student in your roster. You can also expand an activity and click an individual student’s name from the class summary table to review a specific student’s work.

The review screen displays student responses on the left with scoring and commenting tools in the panel to the right. Navigate between students with the next and previous arrows, or with the student dropdown in the center of the page.

Scores and Rubrics

The Custom Score field at the top of the panel accommodates any letter or numerical grading scale. In addition to the Custom Score, writing and assessment activities may contain rubrics. The Conventions, Focus and Use of Evidence dimensions of writing rubrics will be auto-scored by Amplify’s system, and marked with a blue Auto Score (AS) marker. You can override the auto score as you see fit. To learn more, click the i to the right of Assess Skills and information about the specific criteria for each rubric dimension will open in a new browser tab.

Revealing Conventions Details for Writing Activities

You can reveal details for the conventions score. The auto-scoring system identifies up to ten common errors in student responses like missing or misplaced punctuation, run-on sentences, and more. Switch Details on in the scoring panel to see a breakdown of each error and the corresponding sentences to which they apply. Learn more about the Automated Writing Evaluation for conventions.


You can leave two types of comments on student work: general and inline. General comments apply to the entire activity, while inline comments are keyed with numbers to a specific area of the student’s response. Drag and highlight text to create an inline comment.

You can save review time by utilizing a bank of frequently used comments. The comment bank is a customizable set of up to 10 comments that you can reuse to save time when providing feedback. The bank will retain your preferences across classes, units, and school years. You can delete and replace comments in the bank at any time. You can access the comment bank by clicking on the speech bubble. For a bit of extra personality, add an emoji to any comment with the smiley face button.

Deleting Student Work

To delete a student’s work for a particular activity, click the Recycle bin in the upper-right corner of the review screen. This resets the activity to Not Started for that student, and all of the work the student had entered for the activity will be deleted, along with any scores or comments you had added. You can only delete work for one student at a time, and text annotations cannot be removed.

Deleting student work cannot be undone.

Revealing Answers to Students

The Mark Incorrect and Reveal Correct checkboxes at the base of expanded class tables provide you with the option to reveal answer validation to students. Checking one or both boxes will transition the activity to read-only mode for students and display markers on their answer choices. Learn more about revealing answers.

This feature is only available for solos and assessments.

Sending feedback to students

Provide personalized feedback to your students, individually or all at once.

To share feedback with an individual student, navigate to the review screen and click Send feedback to share the student's score and your comments.

To share feedback with the entire class, navigate to the expanded class table and click Send all feedback to share all students' scores and your comments at once.

Student notifications

When you create an assignment or send feedback to a student, they will receive an alert for each activity on their Student Home through the notification bell in the top right corner of their screen.

In the Notifications panel, new comments and new scores for all activities (both assigned and not assigned) display in the New section. The student clicks Go to the Feedback or Go to the Score to open the lesson or activity and view the corresponding feedback or score.

Learn more about Student Homes.

Curriculum View

Clicking an item from the notification dropdown redirects the student to the corresponding activity in the curriculum, where they will see your scores and comments in the Teacher Feedback panel. They can collapse and drag this panel in their workspace as needed.

The feedback panel is also visible when students navigate to the activity themselves, rather than getting there from the notification.

Time-Saving Tips

Comment Bank

Click the speech bubble icon when creating an inline or general comment to access your comment bank. The comment bank is a customizable set of up to 10 comments that you can reuse to save time when providing feedback. The bank will retain your preferences across classes, units, and school years. You can delete and replace comments in the bank at any time.

Bulk Scoring

Save time by providing bulk scores for many students simultaneously. The Bulk Score button can be found at the base of the class table for most activities.

Upon clicking Bulk Score, checkboxes will appear next to each student’s name. You can select some or all students, and even filter students by handed-in status. Type your preferred bulk score or bulk comment in the fields at the base of the table and click Apply to confirm.

Print and Export

You may need to transfer Amplify work and scores to your district’s grading software or LMS. There are a variety of ways to conveniently print or export editable CSVs within Classwork.

Print work for the entire class

  1. Navigate to the Activity tab and expand the individual activity.

  2. Click the print icon at the bottom.

  3. Choose which students’ work to print by clicking the checkbox next to the student’s name. You can choose to print only some of the students’ work, or all student work for that activity.

  4. Click Print. This will launch your browser’s print dialog, where you can choose to print the student responses as well as a cover page for the class summary table. You can also adjust the number of pages to print or save a PDF from this view.

Print work for an individual student

  1. Navigate to the Activity tab and expand the individual activity.

  2. Select the student’s name from the list. You can click a student’s name from the expanded class grid as a shortcut. The review page displays.

  3. Click the print button in the activity header.

This will launch your browser’s print dialog, where you can choose to print the student’s response as well as a cover page with any feedback. You can also save a PDF from this view.

Export multiple activities

  1. Navigate to the Activities tab and clickBulk Export in the bottom left corner toexport multiple activities to a CSV simultaneously.

  2. Choose which activities to export by clicking the checkbox next to the activities.

  3. Click Confirm. The CSV downloads with the activity information, custom score, and SIS (student information system) IDs for each student. You can upload this directly into your district gradebook. If a score is not available for a student, the cell will be filled with the submission status instead.

Export individual activities

  1. Navigate to the Activity tab and expand the individual activity.

  2. Click the Export icon at the bottom of the expanded activity table. The CSV downloads to your computer and displays a column for each column of the class summary table.

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