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Amplify OneRoster: Preparing your Amplify OneRoster CSV Files

How do I format my enrollment data files for use in the Amplify OneRoster CSV Upload Portal?

Updated over a week ago

When you download OneRoster-formatted CSV files from your Student Information System (SIS), you will need to provide some additional information not required by OneRoster specifications for your data to be compatible with Amplify Enrollment. The following data dictionaries describe the data required for Amplify and mCLASS Enrollment and also can be used to properly format your CSV files if you are unable to export OneRoster-compliant CSVs from your SIS.

  • manifest.csv - This file is required for SFTP imports only; it defines the list of expected CSV files in the data upload

  • orgs.csv - Defines the schools within your district

  • users.csv - Defines the administrators, teachers, and students

  • demographics.csv - Defines the demographics associated with students

  • courses.csv - Defines the subjects into which classes are organized

  • classes.csv - Defines the classes into which teachers and students are enrolled

  • academicSessions.csv - Defines the time increments into which your academic calendar is partitioned

  • enrollments.csv - Maps staff and students into classes

If you need a set of OneRoster CSV templates to enter your enrollment data, you can download them here.

When you have finished formatting your CSV files, you can continue with importing your data.

For best results, zip your CSV files into a single archive and name it, noting the capitalization. When a zip file and individual CSV files are uploaded simultaneously, the OneRoster portal will process the contents of the zip file.

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