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Admin Portal: Staff list

This is an overview of the Admin Portal: Staff list.

Updated over 11 months ago

The Staff list page displays a list of enrolled staff members and includes a Permissions tool you can use to grant permissions to staff members. Depending on the organizations you have access to, you may need to select a district and/or school at the upper left of the page. You can also edit several staff members at once.

After you view the product tour, use the following links to view articles containing more details about specific functions of the Staff list page:

You can search your Staff list by last name, email, and identifier. You can also search by multiple identifiers.

You can filter staff members by status (active, archived, or deactivated), role (teacher or admin), and permissions (system, enrollment, or reporting). Click Apply filters to filter staff or click Clear filters to clear filters.

The Actions list:

You can select multiple staff members in the Staff list so you can change the details for multiple staff members without having to open each staff profile individually or download a CSV. When you select staff in the Staff list, the Actions list displays in the breadcrumb menu.

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. When you select one or more staff, the Actions list displays in the breadcrumb menu.
    You can select to Edit staff, edit permissions, add classes, remove all classes, add programs, download staff, send a login link for the selected staff members.

Edit staff:

From this panel, you can edit the staff members’ idenfitifer and change their status between active and deactivated. Active staff are staff currently employed by your district. Deactivated staff are staff members who are no longer employed by your district, and they are only visible to and editable by Enrollment and System access staff.

  1. Select the staff members to edit.

  2. From the Actions list, select Edit staff. The Bulk edit staff panel displays.

  3. Click Save Updates to save your changes.

Be aware that changing the idenfitifer of a staff member will be reflected throughout your Amplify programs. This may affect other educators using the Admin Portal as well as classes and students associated with the staff member.

Edit permissions:

To change a staff member’s permissions, you must have System access.

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. Select Permissions in the Actions list.

    The Permissions panel displays.

  3. You can Bulk edit and apply a specific permission for an organization to all selected staff members’ permissions.

  4. You can also individually edit the selected staff member’s permissions.

  5. Click Save Updates.

Add classes:

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. From the Actions list, select + Add classes.

    The add classes panel displays.

  3. Choose the classes to add to the selected staff members.

    1. Click → Next to set the role of the educators in each class individually.

      Learn more about Primary Teachers and Co-teachers here.

    2. You can also apply the same class role to all selected staff by clicking the box and choosing the role for each staff member.

  4. Click → Next to return to the staff member's profile and click Save updates to save your changes.

Remove all classes:

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. From the Actions list, select Remove all classes.

  3. A confirmation displays. Click Yes to remove all classes from the selected staff members or No to cancel.

Add programs:

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. From the Actions list, select + Add programs.

  3. The add programs panel displays. You can select programs that your organization has a license for to add to your staff members.

  4. Click + Add Programs to save your changes.

If you don’t see mCLASS and you think you should, please contact Amplify Technical Onboarding.

Download staff:

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. From the Actions list, select Download users.csv.

A users.csv file containing the selected staff members downloads. You can use this file to update your rosters.

Send a login link:

  1. Select the staff members.

  2. From the Actions list, select Send login link.

  3. A pop-up displays asking if you want to send emails with login links to the selected staff members.

  4. Click Yes to send the login links, or click No to cancel.

How do I give access to Administrator Reports?

To access Administrator Reports, you must have system or reporting permissions. If you have System access, you can give other staff members access to Administrator Reports by granting them reporting permissions. For information on staff permissions, see Permissions.

How do staff log in after they have an account?

All enrolled staff will have Standard access to their classes and students. Your district IT has set up a specific login method for your district. Please contact your district if you are unsure which login method your district uses. Please see Amplify Login options.

How do I set a staff member’s password?

Staff members can set their own Amplify passwords. Click here for more details on Amplify Login.

Note: For security purposes, each staff member can only set their own password. If you have System access or enrollment permissions, you can make a request for staff members to set or reset their passwords from the Staff list page or from a staff member’s Staff profile page). The request for the staff member to sign in and set their password will be sent to the staff member’s email inbox.

To request a password for one staff member:

From the staff member’s profile page:

  1. Click Login options.

    The Login Options panel displays.

  2. Click Copy to copy the login link or Reset password to send an email to the staff member to reset their password.

To request passwords for multiple staff members:

  1. From the Staff list page, select the box(es) for the staff member(s) whose password(s) you want to set (or reset). Click Actions. A drop-down menu displays.

  2. Select Send login link. A confirmation pop-up displays.

  3. Click Yes to confirm sending the login link to the selected staff members, or click No to cancel.

Rostering staff members

To roster staff, you must have System access.

  1. Click the Staff button on the Rosters page to open the Staff list page.

  2. Click the + Create new staff button.

  3. In the add staff pop-up that displays, you can choose which organization to add staff to and select whether to add a single staff member or multiple staff.

Add a single staff member

  1. If you select Single staff, the add staff panel displays. In the fields on this page, enter the staff member’s first and last name, email, and user ID.

  2. When you have finished entering the staff information, click Save new staff at the upper right of the page.

  3. A completion message displays, and the new staff record is added. You can then add classes, programs, and organizations to the staff record.

Add multiple staff

  1. If you select Multiple staff, the add multiple staff panel displays.

  2. A single form for adding a staff member displays, and you can add more staff forms (up to 50 staff members) by entering a number up to 49 in the field to the right of “add rows” and clicking +. If you add too many rows, click the Recycle bin icon next to a row to delete it.

  3. For each staff form on the add multiple staff panel, you must select the school in which to add the staff member (even if you previously selected a school).

  4. Then enter the staff member’s name, email, and user ID.

  5. After filling out the forms for all staff, click + Create new staff to save the form and add the new staff.

    The add staff panel closes, a completion message displays at the top of the Staff list page, and the new staff members display in the list.

Note: You may need to select a different school from the School list to see the staff you added.

You can add classes, programs, and organizations to the new staff from each staff member’s Profile page.

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