
Performance Expectations Demonstration Opportunities

In this section we provide a set of opportunities through which students can demonstrate proficiency towards each  Performance Expectation. In each demonstration, students can leverage existing curriculum resources and apply the practices they’ve developed and understanding they’ve constructed over the course of the year in a three-dimensional performance task. Student performance for each of the PE demonstrations will provide directly interpretable evidence of meeting the PE, as well as identify elements of the PEs for which struggles may persist. Because the PEs are meant to reflect learning that builds over the course of a year, we recommend implementing these demonstration opportunities toward the end of each grade-level, after students have had multiple opportunities to engage in the DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs that comprise the PE.

As a more fine-grained compliment to the PE Demonstration Opportunities, we also provide a set of Benchmark Assessments to monitor student progress toward mastery of the DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs that comprise the PEs. These Benchmark Assessments are largely two and three-dimensional tasks that involve contexts and phenomena outside of those investigated in the Amplify Science curriculum—providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate transfer of learning from the curriculum embedded resources to novel problems.

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