Advanced learners and gifted learners
Advanced learners and gifted learners, who may be formally or informally identified, show the capacity for performance that is significantly higher than their age peers. This group of students require their teachers to focus on adding depth and complexity in the science topics under study (as opposed to merely adding more work, additional topics, or skipping content or grade levels). Amplify Science includes guidance for teachers to incorporate instructional approaches that meet the learning needs of this group of students. This guidance includes challenging students in specific areas, such as writing; opportunities to work independently in an area of interest or talent; and accelerated learning as students’ educational needs require.
Some students, particularly culturally and linguistically diverse learners, English learners, and students with disabilities, may not exhibit advanced learning or gifted learning characteristics in ways that are familiar to teachers. Therefore, it is important for teachers to learn to recognize the range of learners who may be gifted or advanced, and to incorporate a variety of approaches for meeting students’ learning needs into their teaching practice.