Class codes are not available for Google Classroom courses. Your rosters should be synced from Google Classroom.
Class codes automatically expire after 30 days. You can reactivate a class code or generate a new code.
Amplify Join class code
Invite students to join your class with the class code. You can find the class code on the class details card.
Sharing a class code
From the class details page, you can present the class code.
If you have no students, Present class code displays in the Students tab.
If you have students, Present class code displays in the Students tab, above the students list.
The class code displays.
Deactivate the code, reactivate an expired code, or change the expiration date.
Copy invite link
Copy the invitation link to share the code through your preferred student-contact method.
Expand to full screen
Expand the code to full screen to project to the class.
Manage a class code
You can deactivate the class code to stop additional students from joining, or change the expiration date.
Deactivated codes can be reactivated at any time, as long as the class is still active.
Class codes expire in 30 days, but you can change the expiration date of the class code. The expiration date can be changed to any date in the future.
If your class code is expired, you can reactivate it from the Manage class codes drop-down options. Expired codes display with inactive Copy invite link. Reactivate the code to have access to a Copy invite link, which you can expand to full screen.
Generate a class code
Once a class is created, a class code is generated.
The class code displays on the class card on the Manage classes landing page.
If your class code is expired, you can reactivate it from the Manage class codes options. Expired codes display with inactive Copy invite link. Reactivate the code to have access to a Copy invite link, which you can expand to full screen.
Student sign-up
If students are already logged in, they can enter the code on Student Home.
If a student isn’t logged in, or doesn’t have an account, they can navigate to
Enter the code. The code will highlight in green if it is valid.
If the student has an Amplify account, they will be prompted to log in and land on Student Home. They will be enrolled into the class and display in your student list. They will have access to all programs associated with your class and assigned lessons and activities.
If the student doesn’t have an Amplify account, they can click Sign up here to create an account.
If a student tries to join a class with an invalid or expired code, confirm the code with the student and have them reenter it.
Single session codes
If you have students that aren’t in your classes, you can use a single session code to invite students to join a lesson or activity. The students can join as a logged-in user or join anonymously with a temporary handle.
Any lessons or activities delivered with a single session code will not be reflected in Administrator Reports.
Inviting students
Navigate to the lesson or activity and click the drop-down menu to the right of @ Assign.
Click Create single session code.
Single Session Invite Codes options display.
In the Session Security Settings, you can require that students sign in so they can save their work and you can view their names.
If you don’t require student sign-in, they can join the activity anonymously, but can’t save their work and you can’t view their names.
Share the code with your students. You can also copy the invitation link to share the code through your preferred student-contact method.
Codes are not case sensitive.
Assignments created using a single session code display on your Educator Home with the active code. If the code is inactive, or the single session was archived, the status will display on your stream.
Student single session sign-up
Students go to and enter the code. If a student is already logged in, they can enter the code on their Student Home.
The student enters the code.
If the code is a valid single session code, and the student is logged in, they will land on the Single Session page, where they can start the activity, sign out, or join anonymously (if applicable).
If the student enters an invalid code, confirm the code with the student and have them reenter it.