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Admin Portal: Rollover settings management

Managing your rollover settings in Admin Portal

Updated over 9 months ago

Rollover settings will be available as of May 14, 2024. If you do not have system access, there is no action to take for rollover.

Rollover is a yearly process that prepares your district for the next school year. Before the beginning of a new school year, Amplify performs the rollover process, which updates your programs and your staff and student records from the previous school year for use in the upcoming school year. When an account is rolled over to the new school year, staff rosters remain the same, all students are automatically promoted to the next grade (e.g., Grade 2 students from 2023–2024 are advanced to Grade 3 in 2024–2025) or graduated, and classes are deactivated. See Admin Portal: Amplify rollover to learn more about rollover.

For a successful rollover, a system-access user sets a custom date or uses the default date for your district’s rollover and enters all requested information.

*The Set high grades tab only displays for districts who enroll with Admin Portal.

Starting May 14, a reminder will display for you to review your rollover status. You can dismiss the reminder for 12 hours.

Click Review rollover status to open your settings. You can also access your rollover settings from your Admin Portal Settings menu.

Your rollover settings display.

The Rollover Status tab

In the Rollover Status tab, you can see:

  • your current rollover status:

    • Not started

    • On track

    • Error

    • Completed

  • links to submit your rollover date (takes you to the Rollover date tab) and to enter the high grades for your schools (takes you to the Set high grades tab)

The Rollover date tab

From the Rollover date tab, you can choose the default rollover date (July 19, 2024), or set a custom rollover date (any date between June 3, 2024 and August 31, 2024).

  • You can edit your dates until your selected date.

  • When the rollover date is saved, the administrator’s email who set the rollover date will display along with the date and time it was edited.

Any district administrator with system access is able to edit the rollover date.

The Set high grades tab

The Set high grades tab only displays for districts who enroll with Admin Portal.

  1. From the Set high grades tab, click Select for each school.

    A list of your schools displays. Schools that haven’t set a high grade display at the top of the school list, marked with a yellow warning icon.

  2. Choose the high grade for each school.

  3. Click Save Updates.

  4. A confirmation displays when the high grades for all your schools have been set.


What happens after I confirm my enrollment rollover?

The following updates will be made to your data:

  • Students at the highest grade level of their school are deactivated.

  • Students below the highest grade level of their school are promoted up one grade level.

  • All active classes are deactivated.

  • All students and staff members are unenrolled from classes.

What are my next steps to set up my enrollment for the new school year?

Once your enrollment rollover is complete, visit the Admin Portal Batch Upload page. You can download all of your district’s student and staff data. We recommend reviewing the data for accuracy, and then adding students and staff to new classes for the upcoming school year.

If you enroll through Clever or ClassLink, update your enrollment data in the respective portal to prepare sync to Amplify.

If you upload or sync data before your rollover status is complete, the data will be cleared when rollover occurs.

How can I reverse rollover actions?

There are two methods to reactivate deactivated students:

  • Upload the student’s information through Batch Upload as an “add-update” action. Ensure that the student’s email, first name, last name, user ID, school name, and school ID are consistent. You can also update the student’s grade if desired.

  • Navigate to the Students List, and filter by “Deactivated” students. Open the Student Profile for a student, change their status to Active, and then choose their organization.

There are two methods to reactivate deactivated classes:

  • Navigate to the Class List for the school the class is in. Filter by “Deactivated” classes. Open the Class Profile, and change the status to Active.

  • Navigate to the Class List for the school the class is in. Filter by “Deactivated” classes. Select Actions and Bulk Edit, then change the status of all selected classes to Active.

Deleted student-in-class or staff-in-class enrollments are not retrievable. You can add students and staff back to their classes via Batch Upload or from the Class List page in the Admin Portal.

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