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Amplify OneRoster CSV Upload Portal: Reviewing Your Roster Data

How do I review my data and resolve errors or issues with data requirements?

Updated over a week ago

Reviewing your imported data

Once you have uploaded your data into the OneRoster CSV Upload Portal via SFTP or CSV Upload, you will see a report that displays errors in your imported CSV files, as well any enrollment data that may have been flagged, skipped, or excluded because of the data requirements you set in your Import app.

Fixing errors

If your data import contains errors that violate requirements in the OneRoster CSV specifications, a blue exclamation mark displays on the import. The number of errors displays to the right of the History tab and at the top of the import record. To determine where the errors exist, click Show Errors.

The Errors window opens. It contains three columns, and each error displays in its own row. The File Name column displays which of your CSV files contains the error, the Error Type column contains the reason for the error, and the Error Message column provides specific information to help you locate the record with the error. You can search for specific information in any one of the columns by using the search and filter fields directly above the table.

In the example shown here, one record is missing the schoolsourcedId value in the enrollments.csv file, and one sourcedId value is missing for a student record in the demographics.csv file. If you need additional information about the missing values in the identified files, you can reference their corresponding data dictionaries. Once you provide the missing values for these CSV files, you must re-import the complete set of CSVs using your Import app.

Resolving issues with data requirements

When you set up your Import app, you defined data requirements and domains of uniqueness. If these data requirements are not met, your CSV files will be imported to the portal, but records will be flagged in three columns of the import summary:

  • Skipped - A record is not imported when it is missing at least one of the attributes you selected under “Skip <Enrollment_Type> if Missing” when setting data requirements in your Import app.

  • Duplicates - Two or more records had the same value for an attribute specified in the Domains of Uniqueness in your Import app.

  • Invalid - A record is marked as invalid when it is missing at least one of the attributes you selected under “Report if Missing” when setting data requirements in your Import app.

Clicking the blue number in the column displays details about the record(s) that should help you to return to the appropriate CSV file and correct the record. In this example, clicking the number 2 in the Duplicates column of the Student row opens the Duplicates screen. It shows that a second student had an attribute that was supposed to be unique for a student whose record had already been processed.

If the information provided in the Duplicates screen isn’t sufficient to determine which record has the issue, you can find additional information by clicking the Data Quality tab on your Import app page.

A gray header row displays for each enrollment type that has been flagged; click the gray row to expand it and display a summary of the identified issues. In this continuation of the previous example, one attribute that should be unique is shared across multiple student records. Clicking the 1 Duplicate link displays the Duplicates Resolution screen.

In this example, you can see that two students have the same Identifier. The Identifier is a value that must be unique across the district (according to the Domains of Uniqueness), so you will need to determine which of these two students should have this identifier, then return to users.csv and provide a unique identifier for the other student.

If you need additional information about the identified values in the CSV files, you can reference their corresponding data dictionaries. Once you resolve the data quality issues in these CSV files, you must re-import the complete set of CSVs using your Import app.

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