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mCLASS Rollover: How to verify staff and student enrollment
mCLASS Rollover: How to verify staff and student enrollment

Learn about using the available enrollment services to verify your mCLASS staff, student, and class records post-rollover

Updated over a week ago

Rollover overview

Rollover is a yearly process applicable only to mCLASS accounts that prepares the account for the next school year. Before the beginning of the school year, Amplify performs the rollover process, which updates your staff and student records from the previous school year for use in the upcoming school year. When an account is rolled over to the new school year, staff rosters remain the same, all students are automatically promoted to the next grade (e.g., second grade students from 2023–2024 are advanced to third grade in 2024–2025) and classes are removed from the system. After rollover, you’ll review your records to ensure that all information is correct and current for the new school year.

IMPORTANT: You must sync all assessment data prior to rollover.

Enrollment methods

  • If you enroll using Self-Service Enrollment (SSE), see the mCLASS Enrollment section

  • If you enroll using external sources (Clever or ClassLink) or directly through the new Admin Portal, see the Admin Portal section

  • If you use Dual Enrollment, you will have access to both mCLASS Enrollment and the Admin Portal

Re-enrollment process

Once Amplify completes the process of rolling over your records to the new school year, you can begin re-enrollment for staff and students, in which you verify the existing records to make sure that there are no errors or missing information, edit the records as necessary, and then add new student, staff, and class information.

Tools for re-enrollment

  • mCLASS Enrollment: If you roster your staff, students, and classes with mCLASS Enrollment, you will perform re-enrollment with the mCLASS enrollment tools (Manual Enrollment tools, SSE, or Auto SSE).

  • Admin Portal: If you have switched to a new enrollment method this year and have access to the new Amplify Admin Portal (granted by Amplify's Technical Onboarding team), you will perform re-enrollment with the Admin Portal.

Verifying rosters with mCLASS Enrollment

To verify your mCLASS rosters via mCLASS Enrollment, navigate to the mCLASS Enrollment page. See the article on Logging In to mCLASS for details on logging in.

  1. From Educator Home, click Programs and Apps in the Amplify navigation bar.

  2. Click mCLASS Admin or mCLASS Classes and Groups (depending on your role) to open the mCLASS Enrollment page for administrators.

  3. From this page you can access the mCLASS Enrollment tools.

The following instructions are for using the Manual Enrollment tool to verify your enrollment. For instructions on using the Batch Enrollment tools, see the SSE Help and the Auto SSE Help.

Re-enroll staff from last year

During rollover, staff records from the previous school year are updated for use in the upcoming school year. At this time, the Staff pages highlight any staff records that contain errors or lack required information. You must resolve all critical errors before a staff member can use mCLASS. You should also confirm or update the remaining information and delete the records of staff members who are not returning for this year.

To re-enroll staff:

  1. Click the Staff tab on the Administration page.

  2. The Staff page displays. This page contains the Filters area and the Staff List.

  • The Staff List displays all staff members enrolled for the upcoming school year.

  • Search or filter staff to narrow the number of records displayed in the Staff List.

  • Select the Critical Errors box in the Filters area to show only staff with critical errors. Staff records that contain critical errors are flagged with the red Critical Errors icon.

3. If a staff record has critical errors, correct them in the Staff Details panel.

4. When all errors have been corrected, no records display when you select the Errors filter.

5. Once you correct all critical errors, confirm that the records of staff members updated from the previous school year are complete, up to date, and ready for use in the upcoming school year. Make any updates or edits as necessary.

Re-enroll students from last year

During rollover, student records from the previous year are automatically updated for the upcoming school year, including each student's new grade. At this time, the enrollment pages highlight student records that contain errors or lack important information. You must resolve all critical student errors before you begin assessing students with mCLASS. You should also delete records for students who will not return for the upcoming year.

To re-enroll your students:

  1. Click the Students tab on the Administration page.

  2. The Students page displays. This page contains the Filters area and the Students list.

  • The Students list displays all students who are successfully enrolled for the upcoming school year.

  • Search or filter students to narrow the number of records displayed in the Students list.

  • Select from the Errors list in the Filters area to display only students whose records contain errors. You can select Critical Errors or Partial Errors, or both. Records with critical errors are flagged with the red Critical Errors icon, and records with partial errors are flagged with the yellow Partial Errors icon.

3. If a student record has critical errors, correct them in the Student Details panel.

4. When all errors have been corrected, no records display in the Students List when you select the Critical Errors and Partial Errors filters.

5. Delete any students who are not enrolled in your institution for the current school year. You can delete student records one at a time from the Student Details panel, or select multiple students in the Students List and delete them all at once.

Additional mCLASS Enrollment rollover information

Information for Auto SSE Accounts

Once your customer account rolls over to the new school year, Auto SSE licensing is turned off for your account. Contact your account manager, project manager, or Amplify Customer Care and Support to re-license Auto SSE when you are ready to send enrollment data for the new school year.

Retained students

As you prepare for the beginning of the new school year, keep the following in mind:

  • All students advance during rollover. When we roll over your account from the previous year, all your students are promoted one grade level. This includes students who should be retained.

  • Manually retain students who should not advance. Set the grade for retained students using SSE or Manual Enrollment once rollover is complete. To remove retained student assessment results, contact Amplify Customer Care and Support.

Verifying rosters with the Admin Portal

If you are using the Amplify Admin Portal to manage your rosters this year, you will verify your rollover via the Admin Portal Roster tools.

If you have used the mCLASS Manual Enrollment tool in the past, the Admin Portal may seem familiar to you. There are Manual Enrollment tools available as well as a Batch Enrollment tool. Use these tools to verify your rosters.

To request access to edit enrollment information via the Admin Portal, please contact your Technical Onboarding representative and they will grant system access to one staff member in your district. For more information about the Admin Portal, see the Admin Portal Overview article, which includes an introduction to the Admin Portal and links to more detailed articles about the tool.

Navigate to the Admin Portal

To go to the Admin Portal:

  1. Click the login method used by your school or district. If you used Amplify usernames and passwords last year and haven’t been notified of a change in login methods, click Log In with Amplify.​

    Otherwise, log in with one of these methods:

    • Log In with Google (using a district-provided email address and password, authenticated through Google)

    • Log In with Clever (using your Clever username and password, authenticated through Clever)

    • SSO login (using an email address or username and password provided by your district or state, authenticated through a method of their choosing)

  2. Click your login method and if prompted enter your account username and password.

  3. The My Account page opens and displays all your Amplify programs. The Admin Portal link displays at the top of the page.

  4. Click Admin Portal to open the Admin Portal Rosters page.

Note that the Rosters page you see may appear different than the example depending on your access level and licensed products.

Admin Portal Help

Helpful tip: Take the Product Tours for the Admin Portal before you start using it to manage your rosters. Each page in the Admin Portal has a Product Tour that outlines the features and functions of the page.

In addition, each page of the Admin Portal has a context-sensitive Help link. Click the Help link at the upper right of each page to open an article about the page.

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