Programs are the Amplify applications that your teachers and students can use. Licenses are a collection of programs, which are district and product specific. Some districts can have multiple licenses per school year. License durations can span multiple years and are based on your district's purchase of the programs.
Access Programs & Licenses
On your Programs & Licenses page, you can view all your Amplify licenses, including the number of total licenses, active licenses, and expired licenses. You can also generate shared teacher and student logins and share them.
Navigate to and log in.
Click the Admin Portal icon in the Programs & Apps menu.
Click Programs & Licenses in the top navigation.
Your Programs & Licenses page displays. You can view all your Amplify licenses, including the number of total licenses, active licenses, and expired licenses.
Click ^, next to the number of Programs, to see a list of your Programs.
Click View details to generate shared teacher and student logins, view already generated logins, or share the login information.
Shared teacher and student logins are available for specific product lines: Amplify Science, Amplify CKLA, and Amplify ELA. Some programs are not configured for shared logins and Generate logins will not display. Shared logins are not available when a license is expired.
Generate shared logins
Click Generate logins to create new shared logins for a program.
Copy or present shared logins
If logins have already been generated, several options are available:
Click Copy to copy the shared login information to distribute to your staff members through your preferred communication method.
Click Student login to present the shared student login.
Click Teacher login to present the Shared Teacher Login.
Manage your programs
Administrators with System or Enrollment permissions can manage programs on the Class profile page.
Educators with access to Manage Classes can also manage programs in their classes.
How do teachers/staff/instructional leads get access to programs?
Administrators with System or Enrollment permissions can invite staff to self-enroll in a school or add staff from the Staff List.
Administrators with license membership and System or Enrollment permissions can add programs to a staff member from the Staff profile page or add programs to a class from the Class profile page. License membership is not necessary for Boost Reading, Amplify Desmos Math, or mCLASS.
How do I add programs to classes?
Administrators with license membership and System or Enrollment permissions can add programs to a class from the Class profile page.
All educators can add programs to their classes with Manage classes. All educators can access Manage Classes on Educator home.
Administrators can access Manage Classes from the Admin Portal.
Not all programs are required to be added to classes for access. If your district or school has implemented Amplify Desmos Math, Boost Reading, or mCLASS, those programs will be provisioned for you by the Amplify Technical Onboarding Team;no action is required by district administrators or teachers.
How do students get access to programs?
You can add a program to a class if you have a license membership for that program. You can add a program from the Staff profile or the Class profile pages. If applicable, teachers can add programs to their classes with Manage Classes.
Amplify Desmos Math, Boost Reading, and mCLASS are licensed to your organization, and all students and teachers in those organizations will have access to these programs. If you don’t see Amplify Desmos Math, Boost Reading, or mCLASS and you think you should, please contact your IT administrator.
License membership is not necessary for Boost Reading, Amplify Desmos Math, or mCLASS, since these programs are entitled to your organization as part of licenses that span one or more school years. Access to these programs is granted to districts at the beginning of the school year by Amplify. Any student or teacher in those organizations will have access to these programs. System access users work with Amplify to manage their licenses.
Administrators can email to enable all district teachers to grant program access to their own classes.
Additional resources