Scope and Sequence

Grade 6 – 8

Each course (or “year”) of Amplify Science 6–8 consists of a set of units (usually around 9), each containing 10–19 lessons depending on the unit type (more information below). Lessons are written for 45-minute sessions — though teachers can expand or contract the timing to fit their needs.

The menu of units is listed below, organized according to domain for ease of reference. Schools have full discretion to order the units into any sequence that is appropriate for their district, and we are happy to help with that.

Navigation structure:

The curriculum is intuitively organized and easy to navigate. Courses/Years contain units, which contain chapters, which contain lessons, which contain activities.


There are three types of units in Amplify Science grades 6–8: Launch, Core, and Engineering Internships. Typically, we recommend that each year have one Launch unit, six Core units, and two Engineering Internships, but districts have full discretion to choose the number of units they’d like to implement at teach grade level. Read more about each type of unit below.

Launch units

Launch units are the first unit taught in each year of Amplify Science. The goal of the Launch unit is to introduce students to norms, routines, and practices that will be built on throughout the year, such as argumentation and Active Reading, as well as the use of the Amplify Science technology. For example, rather than taking the time to explain the process of Active Reading in every unit in a given year, it is explained thoroughly in the Launch unit, thereby preparing students to do active reading in all subsequent units.

  • Each Launch unit contains a total of eleven lessons.
  • There is one Launch unit for each grade or domain.
Domain Launch unit
Earth and Space Science Geology on Mars
Life Science Microbiome
Physical Science Harnessing Human Energy


Core units

The majority of units in a course are Core units, which guide students in constructing a deep understanding of important science concepts by using key practices of science and engineering. A Core unit begins by establishing the context of the unit by introducing students to the real-world problem they will be investigating.

As students move through lessons in a Core unit, they will figure out the unit’s anchoring phenomena, gaining an understanding of the unit’s disciplinary core ideas, developing experience with the science and engineering practices, and making linkages across topics through the crosscutting concepts as they do so. Students will be doing hands-on activities, recording observations from digital Simulations, annotating scientific articles, watching engaging media, crafting visualizations of their understanding via the modeling tools, participating in exciting classroom conversations, drafting persuasive scientific arguments, and completing a variety of formative assessments along the way, giving teachers insight into student growth over the course of the unit.

Each Core unit culminates with a Science Seminar and final writing activity, giving students the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned throughout the course of the unit. In these sequences, students explore a new real-world problem, collect and analyze evidence, and then debate which claims are best supported by evidence, all while making clear their reasoning that connects the evidence to the claims. Finally, each student individually crafts a final written argument.

  • Each Core unit contains 16 lessons, which are divided between four chapters.
  • In addition to the 16 lessons, each Core unit also includes three formal assessment days: a diagnostic Pre-Unit Assessment, a mid-unit Critical Juncture Assessment, and an End-of-Unit Assessment (i.e. 19 sessions total per Core unit). There are also numerous unobtrusive, formative assessments interspersed throughout the unit.
Domain Core units
Earth and Space Science Plate Motion
Rock Transformations
Earth, Moon, and Sun
Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate
Weather Patterns
Earth’s Changing Climate
 Life Science  Metabolism
Traits and Reproduction
Populations and Resources
Matter and Energy in Ecosystems
Natural Selection
Evolutionary History
 Physical Science Force and Motion
Magnetic Fields
Thermal Energy
Phase Change
Chemical Reactions
Light Waves


Engineering internship units

21st-century science students need deep dives into the application of science in real life and how it is instrumental in addressing major challenges that confront society today. Each Engineering Internship unit of Amplify Science therefore asks students to design solutions for a real-world problem requiring them to figure out how to help those in need through the application of engineering and design practices. The units emphasize compassion, sympathy, and the consideration of the needs of diverse peoples, from tsunami victims in Sri Lanka to the special needs of premature babies.

The Engineering Internship units invite students to take on the role of engineering interns in a fictional company called “Futura Engineering.” In the first lesson, a fictional project director appears in a video to introduce students to their design challenge and to present them with essential background information. Importantly, this is also where students are introduced to the competing design criteria and limiting constraints they will need to balance in their designs. Students quickly learn that in the Engineering Internships, there is no one “right answer.” Rather, they will need to work together to iteratively design the best solution that can be justified through the data they have collected.

  • Each Engineering Internship unit is designed to follow an associated Core unit. For example, the Force and Motion Engineering Internship would follow the Force and Motion Core unit, giving students an opportunity to apply what they learned about forces and collisions to an authentic problem—designing an emergency supply drop pod.
  • The Engineering Internship units each contain a total of ten lessons.
Domain Engineering Internship units
Earth and Space Science Plate Motion Engineering Internship
Earth’s Changing Climate Engineering Internship
Life Science Metabolism Engineering Internship
Natural Selection Engineering Internship
Physical Science Force and Motion Engineering Internship
Phase Change Engineering Internship