Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition offers a comprehensive array of administration and review tools to assist educators in effectively managing their classrooms. Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition has several administration and review tools designed to help manage your classroom. These tools are integrated into the Teacher dashboard and support real-time facilitation and classroom interaction. The review tools support unbiased review of assessment data, allowing teachers to provide fair and balanced feedback.
Learn more about Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition assessments in the Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition Program Guide.
Assessment administration
Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition provides helpful assessment administration tools integrated into the Teacher dashboard to optimize the management and review of student assessments.
These assessment administration tools equip you with the resources needed to facilitate classroom assessments smoothly. You can direct attention effectively and provide a supportive framework for student success, ultimately enhancing the educational experience in the CKLA classroom.
Navigate to the assessment you want to administer. The Teacher dashboard opens on the Summary view.
There are several features in the Teacher dashboard to support your assessment administration and review.
Pull to lesson
If your students are logged in to the Amplify curriculum, you can pull them into an assigned lesson, ensuring all students start when you’re ready to start teaching.
Students are automatically pulled into the lesson and brought to Screen 1 (unless Sync to Me is set to another screen or pacing is on).
Make student names anonymous, shuffling them to support unbiased work review. This encourages fair assessment and comfort in student participation by minimizing biases.
Lead students through assessments by focusing on one screen or a screen range at a time. Pacing ensures that students remain on task, facilitating a cohesive and synchronized learning experience.
You can adjust or turn off pacing as needed to expand the activity scope.
Click Pace. Then select the screen (or screens) you'd like to gather your students on and click Restrict to Screen(s). Students will automatically go to that location in the activity, and students can’t navigate outside of that range.
Click Paced or Edit to change the screen range. Click Stop to stop pacing. Click + to expand the selection.
Sync to Me
Students’ screens follow your navigation through the assignment, ensuring their view matches the activity you are currently guiding. This keeps all student screens aligned with your instruction.
Pause the assignment to capture your students' attention, whether for a brief announcement or a class discussion. When paused, students can view but not interact with their screens, ensuring their attention remains on you. Click Pause again to resume the activity.
You can sort your students by name, the time they entered the assignment, or shuffle (and re-shuffle) their names.
You can also hide a student’s name and responses in the dashboard.
The student name displays Student Hidden.
To unhide a student, click the three-dot menu and click Unhide Student.
Hide screen
From any view in the Teacher dashboard, you can hide a screen. Students can’t access hidden screens. This allows you to organize lessons to align with your pacing.
Click the three-dot menu in the top right of the screen and click Hide screen.
The screen becomes semi-transparent, and the surrounding screens are automatically renumbered. Click Unhide to restore student access.
Assessment review
For end-unit assessments in Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition, you can review your students’ work in the Teacher dashboard.
Learn about Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition print and digital assessments.
Navigate to the assessment you want to review.
Student work is scored automatically. View the scores in the Summary dashboard:
A checkmark is correct.
An x is incorrect.
A blank scoring box shows that the student did not submit any work, and it is scored as “No work.”
You can review your students’ work in two ways:Summary view and Teacher view.
Summary view
Click into any student screen to bring up the Grading panel.
From the top navigation, click the up arrow or the down arrow to move between students’ responses to this item. You can also click the next arrow to score the next item for this student, or the back arrow to return to the previous item.
You can also use the options to review in full screen, add feedback, or view the correctness.
Click Send after entering feedback to share with the student. When you share scores, students will receive a notification on Student Home. They can view and edit the item, but any work will not be saved.
Teacher view
Click any item to open the Grading panel. You can view all students’ responses to that item, and select the students’ answers to provide bulk feedback to the selected students.
You can also click the Show Correctness check box to easily identify which questions students answered correctly or incorrectly.
Student view
The Student view displays a preview of student screens. You can use Student view to work through a screen with your class or discuss upcoming screens before students work on their own.
Assessment reporting
Learn about Teacher reporting: