The Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition Standards Report is a comprehensive tool designed to help teachers monitor and understand student progress on specific educational standards. It pulls data from the Kโ2 Knowledge Assessments or Grades 3โ5 end-of-unit assessments to provide detailed insights into student learning.
To access the Amplify CKLA 3rd Edition Reporting, navigate to the Programs & Apps menu and locate the Tools section. Click CKLA Pilot Reporting.
The Standards results table shows how each student is progressing on a specific standard. It only incorporates data from Kโ2 Knowledge Assessments or Grades 3โ5 end-of-unit assessments. The report indicates the number of scored items and the last completed assessment.
a. Select the Class and Standard by Strand | Choose the class and standard strand to load a Standards Report. If there's no data available, a report won't generate. |
b. List of standards | View the Standard, the Strand, the Number of Items associated with the standard, and the Last Assessment for the standard. Click a standard to display the Standard Description, activities where this standard is covered, and the Standards Results table. |
c. Standards Results table | The Standards Results table displays data from unit assessments that had items tagged with the related standard. |
d. Download or Print a report | Once your report is loaded, you have the option to download or print. |
e. Legend options | Choose to highlight incorrect or correct items to create a visual key and quickly view trends. |
Standards detail
The Standards details display the description of the standard and a list of upcoming activities where the standard will be covered. Click a standard to display the standard description, upcoming lessons where this standard will be covered, and the Standards Results table. All standards with submitted data display in the report.
Standards Results table
The Standards Results table displays scores for individual students. This view is helpful to see student performance on a particular standard or to use for standards-based grading.
Sort the item columns to organize student scores by incorrect or correct to identify which standards most students are excelling at and which need more support. Use the Legend options to highlight incorrect or correct items to further differentiate the table.