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Amplify Desmos Math: Navigating a lesson

What resources are included in a lesson?

Updated over 3 months ago

The Amplify Desmos Math activity landing page makes it easy to find key information to help you prepare to teach a lesson.

Every lesson in Amplify Desmos Math can be taught with students using print while the teacher projects Presentation Screens. For an age-appropriate number of lessons, we recommend students engage with all lesson content using devices.

Student Activity Screens (for lessons recommended with devices) or Teacher Presentation Screens (for lessons recommended with print Student Editions) can be found on the activity landing page.

Teachers can assign lessons to their students from the activity landing page.

On the activity landing page, teachers can find:

Lesson prep

In the gray box, teachers can find the goals for that lesson, any materials needed for the lesson, vocabulary found in that lesson, and standards addressed in the lesson.

At a Glance

When teachers click the At a Glance button, they will pull up a preview of the lesson Warm-Up, lesson activities, synthesis, and Show What You Know.

Teachers can find suggested timing for each part of the lesson, as well as guidance on whether students should work individually, in pairs, or with the whole class.

The Focus-and-Coherence and Rigor-and-Balance information for the lesson is also found in this section.

Practice Problems

Every Amplify Desmos Math lesson includes a digital Practice Problems set in grades 2–A1, which both teachers and students can access via the activity landing page.

Screens and Teacher Presentation Screens

Lessons where student devices are recommended have Screens. Each Student Activity Screen has a corresponding Screen on the activity landing page.

Teacher Presentation Screens enhance lessons and are for the teacher to project.

Teachers can click Preview for a preview of what a screen will look like once presented.

Teachers can click Present to begin presenting lesson slides to their class.

Paper Resources

Paper Resources for each lesson include print Teacher Edition pages, print Student Edition pages, and the printable lesson Show What You Know PDF. Some lessons include additional resources, such as Activity PDFs that students will need for that lesson.

Differentiation Beyond the Lesson tab

Differentiation in Amplify Desmos Math enables teachers to support students in catching up while keeping up with grade-level math. This support is organized into three categories:

  • Support: Provide targeted intervention for students.

  • Strengthen: Reinforce students’ understanding of the concepts assessed.

  • Stretch: Challenge students and extend their learning.

Teachers can click the Differentiation Beyond the Lesson tab to see specific lesson-based options for their students.

The Differentiation Beyond the Lesson tab can contain:

  • Mini-Lessons: 15-minute, small-group direct instruction lessons targeted to a specific concept or skill.

  • Item Banks: Space for teachers to create practice items and assessments by using filters and searching for standards, summative-style items, and more.

  • Boost Personalized Learning: Engaging, independent digital practice that provides access to grade-level math through responsive feedback. The feedback adjusts to students’ work through item-level adaptivity that supports their learning. Personalized Learning is designed to be used alongside core instruction.

  • Fluency Practice: Adaptive, personalized practice built out for basic operations and more.

  • Centers: Lesson-embedded routines and practice for students that are vertically aligned across grade levels.

  • Extensions: Lesson-embedded teacher moves including possible stretch questions and activities for students.

  • Lesson Practice: Additional practice problems to balance the instructional approach for students, if needed.

  • Math Adventures: Strategy-based math games where students engage with math concepts and practice skills in a fun and low-stakes digital environment.

  • Lesson Summary Support: Support for students and caregivers that provides efficient explanation of the learning goal with clear examples.

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