Amplify Desmos Math provides resources that integrate seamlessly with core instruction, including a suite of assessments, tailored practice resources that adjust to student learning, and other intervention solutions. Cohesive differentiation and intervention resources support and challenge students on their path toward a deeper understanding of the learning goals, ensuring all students can keep up with or stretch beyond grade-level math.
Teacher Edition (multi-volume)
Student Edition (multi-volume)
Centers (K–5)
Personalized practice (K–8)
Optional: Manipulative Kit
Resources for teachers
Teacher Edition (multi-volume)
For the 2024–25 school year, Teacher Editions will be available on a rolling basis.
Digital materials will be available on the platform starting July 1, and print materials will be delivered starting August 2.
Facilitation and progress monitoring tools
Amplify Desmos Math includes a suite of digital facilitation tools for lessons that recommend having students use devices. These tools foster collaborative classrooms and help teachers share their students’ thinking.
Teacher dashboard
The Teacher dashboard gives the teacher insight into student thinking in real time. Teachers can zoom in on a particular student or view all student responses at once. This can help to identify students that may need additional support and those who are ready for extensions.
The Teacher dashboard has four views: Snapshot, Summary, Teacher, and Student.
A powerful conversation toolkit
Pacing, pausing, and sync tools can support teachers as they encourage mathematical discourse and collaborative thinking in their classes.
Teachers can also provide written feedback to their students.
Teacher Presentation Screens
All lessons benefit from the power of digital. Teachers display Presentation Screens that help them guide and facilitate student learning that include Responsive Feedback and important animations and interactions.
Responsive Feedback
Responsive Feedback in Amplify Desmos Math digital activities responds to student thinking by showing the mathematical meaning behind it, sparking their thinking and questioning. This is more powerful than simply evaluating it as right or wrong, as it motivates and engages students in the learning process.
Responsive Feedback is not limited to lessons where students are on devices. Presentation Screens have embedded Responsive Feedback moments for teachers to project, and the teacher moves in the Teacher Edition provide guidance on how to provide Responsive Feedback for students using print.
Instructional supports
Embedded instructional supports provide practical guidance for scaffolding or extending learning for all students, using an asset-based approach.
Provides a lens through which to anticipate, view, and guide individual student work, including Extensions and Differentiation Support guidance. Additionally, robust recommendations to Support, Strengthen, and Stretch are provided at the unit level.
Promotes main areas of cognitive functioning, including memory and attention, conceptual processing, visual-spatial processing, executive functioning, fine motor skills, and affective functioning.
Multilingual/English Learners
Provides math language-development supports to help all students achieve the Language Goal of the lesson.
Math identity and community
Highlights opportunities to recognize and celebrate the brilliance of all students.
Mini-lessons (K–8)
Mini-lessons offer teacher-led, small-group assistance to students who need more direct and explicit support to re-engage with grade-level math. This just-in-time instruction is informed by assessment data such as pre-unit and sub-unit quizzes.
Assessment opportunities are designed to provide individualized insights into students’ conceptual understanding at key moments throughout the year. These assessments are embedded throughout the program to track student performance and give you the data you need to meet the needs of all your students.
When it comes to cementing new learning into long-term understanding, ample practice opportunities are key. Amplify Desmos Math builds practice opportunities into both daily instruction and independent practice.
Daily practice problems for the day’s lesson are included online and in the Student Edition, including fluency and test practice, and a spiral review. A Depth of Knowledge (DOK) table is provided for practice-problem item analysis and further insight into how students are doing conceptually.
Amplify Desmos Math provides personalized practice in grades K–8 that helps students keep up while catching up. Engaging, independent digital practice is aligned to core content and is responsive to student work. The provided scaffolds adjust as needed, enabling students to access grade-level math.
An online Item Bank where teachers can customize their own practice sets based on unit or sub-unit concepts and standards. The Item Bank is available for grades K–8.
Resources for Students
Student Edition (multi-volume)
For the 2024–25 school year, Student Editions will be available on a rolling basis.
Digital materials will be available on the platform starting July 1, and print materials will be delivered starting August 2.
Interactive student activity screens
On our digital platform, highly interactive student activity screens allow students to show their understanding through digital interactions, discussion, open-ended text responses, sketches, and digital manipulatives.
Centers (K–5)
Centers are engaging, hands-on games that allow students to play collaboratively in order to strengthen their understanding of key skills and concepts.
Centers are designed for students to engage in with minimal teacher direction and support. Each Center has multiple stages so that students can return to the same Center game repeatedly within and across grade levels. The content of the Centers grows in complexity to align with grade-level standards in a scaffolded manner.
Collaboration tools
Amplify Desmos Math promotes student collaboration, leading to classrooms where student thinking is brought to the forefront. Students engage in activities in pairs and small groups, both on and off devices. Lessons also include engaging collaborative activities, such as Polygraph activities and Challenge Creators.
Personalized practice (K–8)
Amplify Desmos Math provides personalized practice in grades K–8 that helps students keep up while catching up. Engaging, independent digital practice is aligned to core content and is responsive to student work. The provided scaffolds adjust as needed, enabling students to access grade-level math.
Optional: Manipulative Kit
Hands-on manipulatives in the math classroom are essential tools for discovery and understanding key math concepts. They create a tactile experience to help students conceptualize information, allowing them to build mental models.
Students also have access to digital manipulatives, which are embedded in nearly every lesson of Amplify Desmos Math. As they do with physical manipulatives, students explore and play with digital manipulatives throughout the lesson to help them conceptualize the math in the lesson.