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Clever Enrollment: Validating your Amplify Enrollment Data

How do I verify that enrollment records are being synced from Clever to Amplify?

Updated over 3 months ago

When you have completed your Clever integration with Amplify, enrollment records sync from your SIS via Clever to Amplify. To verify that all systems are syncing properly:

  1. Log in to Clever. Your district Home page opens.

  2. Check the Sync Status.

  3. Verify your filter rules.

  4. Verify your data quality.

Checking Sync Status

On the Home page, you can confirm whether your SIS is syncing properly with Clever. The sync status displays in the upper-left corner of the page.

If you are experiencing sync issues, click View Report to view the errors. If you are having issues getting your SIS to sync with Clever, please contact Clever support.

Verifying Your Filter Rules

  1. On the Home page, scroll to the Applications area and verify that the Amplify app displays. If you see a recommended action in the Next step column, click it and follow the instructions provided.

  2. Click the Amplify app. Its overview page opens. In the Shared Data table, verify that the School, Teacher, Section, and Student counts are accurate. These numbers should reflect the total number of records in your SIS, reduced by any sharing permissions you have applied.

    If the numbers are considerably higher or lower than expected, review your sharing permissions by clicking Edit sharing. For more information on Sharing permissions, please review this Clever help article.

Verifying Your Data Quality

  1. Click the Data Quality tab and resolve any issues.

  2. The Application Receives column shows the number of records that will be passed from Clever to Amplify Enrollment.

    Review the numbers and resolve any warnings or errors. You can view the complete list of records being sent to Amplify by clicking the Download icon directly to the right of the corresponding number in the Total column.

Please note that some links in this article lead to the Clever help center. Links and the referenced articles are provided for your convenience, but they are maintained by Clever and may change without notice.

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