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ClassLink Enrollment: Demographics data for Amplify Enrollment

How do I submit student demographics via ClassLink?

Updated over 4 months ago

If you need to submit demographic data for your students, ClassLink can ingest values for 20 standard demographic categories. Eight of these categories can be ingested through the default demographic categories in the OneRoster demographics.csv exported from your student information system (SIS). The remaining 12 categories are ingested via metadata fields that can be appended to your OneRoster demographics.csv file. Upon ingestion, you will need to configure your ClassLink Amplify app settings to ensure this student data is shared for use in Amplify Enrollment.

Ingesting default student demographics in demographics.csv

This guide from ClassLink displays all the fields contained in the ClassLink OneRoster demographics.csv file and contains a link to download a sample demographics.csv template. The information in this section shows the columns in demographics.csv used by default to associate demographic data with a student. Each student should have one row in the demographics.csv file; the student’s sourcedId in demographics.csv should map to the sourcedId in your district’s OneRoster users.csv file. Only the sourcedId value is required. Demographic values are not required to ingest student records into ClassLink, but they must be provided if your district requires demographic data for Amplify aggregate reporting.

Column Field Header

Supported Values


The student’s sourcedId from the users.csv file.


male, female


true, false


true, false


true, false


true, false


true, false


true, false


true, false

Ingesting student demographics metadata in demographics.csv

Ingesting additional demographics categories with ClassLink requires two steps. First, you must add the metadata fields to your demographics.csv file, and then you must add the metadata to ClassLink Roster Server.

Adding metadata fields to demographics.csv

To ingest the remaining 12 student demographic categories into ClassLink, you must add headers to 12 columns and then provide a value for the students when you want that demographic to be associated with their record. The headers for each category can be found in the table that follows. Please note that the headers should follow the format presented in the table, including capitalization. The first 10 demographics are Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)-aligned; follow the links to view descriptions and accepted codes/values. The last two demographics are not CEDS-aligned; descriptions and accepted values are displayed in the table.

Column Field Header

Descriptions and Accepted Values












The student receives services through a Title I-funded program: true or false


The student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in effect for the current school year: true or false

A completed demographics.csv file will follow this example:

Upload demographics.csv to Roster Server

To include the metadata fields you’ve added for student demographic records to your Amplify export, you must upload your demographics.csv file via SFTP. Then in ClassLink Roster Server, run a complete import to ingest the metadata fields and the associated student demographics data.

Enable demographics and metadata fields

Once your demographics.csv file has been ingested by Roster Server, you will need to give the Amplify app permission to use these demographics and select the metadata fields you want exported to Amplify Enrollment.

  1. From the Roster Server Dashboard, click Apps.

  2. In the Amplify app row, click the More Actions icon.

  3. Click DataGuard. In the window that opens, click Demographics.

  4. Select Enable Demographics.

  5. Scroll down to Metadata Fields, and verify that Metadata is enabled.

  6. Select the metadata fields for each demographic you want ClassLink to share with Amplify by clicking the box to the left of its name. To select all the fields, click Enable All Metadata at the bottom of the screen.

  7. Click Save.

The next time Roster Server syncs with Amplify Enrollment, the metadata fields will be shared and the demographics will be added to the specified student records.

Please note that links in this article lead to the ClassLink help center. Links and the referenced articles are provided for your convenience, but they are maintained by ClassLink and may change without notice.

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