These language codes are a subset of the CEDS ISO 639-3 language code standards and represent the most commonly spoken languages in the United States. This is the subset of languages Amplify currently uses for identifying a student's home language for demographic reporting. The three-letter language code should be used for identifying the primary language spoken in a student’s home when that language isn’t English.
Language | CEDS Code | Language | CEDS Code |
Arabic | ara | Lao | lao |
Armenian | hye | Mandarin | cms |
Bengali | ben | Navajo | nav |
Cantonese | yue | Persian | fas |
Chinese | zho | Polish | pol |
English | eng | Portuguese | por |
French | frc | Punjabi | pan |
German | deu | Russian | rus |
Greek | ell | Serbo-Croatian | hbs |
Gujarati | guj | Spanish | spa |
Haitian | hat | Swahili | swa |
Hebrew | heb | Tagalog | tgl |
Hindi | hin | Tamil | tam |
Hmong | hmn | Telugu | tel |
Italian | ita | Thai | tha |
Japanese | jpn | Urdu | urd |
Khmer | khm | Vietnamese | vie |
Korean | kor | Yiddish | yid |