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Amplify Desmos Math: Navigating a course

What resources are included in a course?

Updated over 5 months ago

Amplify Desmos Math Course Overview pages (called Grade Overviews for K–5) compile quick links to all of the units within a course and all resources needed for that course.

K–5 Grade Overview example

6–A1 Course Overview example

On the Course Overview you can find:

Additionally, in the left menu you can find:


A full list of a course’s units can be found in the gray box on the Course Overview page.

Teachers can click any of the units in the menu on the left side of the screen to go to that unit.

PD Library

Teachers can click the PD Library button on the Course Overview page to access this centralized location for all of their professional learning resources.

Standards and Routines

Teachers can click the Standards and Routines button to access a printable page that details all of the standards addressed across all of the lessons in each unit that comprises a course.

Caregiver Hub

The Course Overview page contains a Caregiver Hub button that teachers can click to access the resources and guides for a student’s caregiver.

Paper Resources

The Course Overview page has printable PDFs for Paper Resources.

Grade Overview

The Grade Overview is an in-depth document that details program architecture, units and lessons, scope and sequence, and all other information and resources that can support a teacher throughout the course.

Intervention and Extension Resources Overview

Intervention and extension resources are recommended after each assessment moment and are designed to be used outside of the core lesson to differentiate the learning experience for every student.

Assessment Resources Overview

Throughout the lessons, units, and course, teachers will find summative and formative assessments that provide insights into students’ conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application, as described in the grade-level standards.

Index (K–5)

The index provides page numbers to help teachers find specific information within their Teacher Editions.

Centers Resources Overview (K–5)

Amplify Desmos Math Center Games are engaging, hands-on, 15-minute activities for students to play collaboratively and strengthen their understanding of key skills and concepts.

Glossary (6–A1)

The Glossary is coming soon.

Onboarding for mCLASS Beginning of Year Screener

Teachers can click Onboarding for mCLASS-Beginning-of-Year Screener in the left menu or scroll down to the mCLASS Beginning-of-Year Screener section and click Onboarding for mCLASS-Beginning-of-Year Screener to access Onboarding.

Teachers will be brought to the Onboarding for mCLASS-Beginning-of-Year Screener page, where they can click the purple Assign button to assign Onboarding to a specific class. Teachers can also preview Onboarding by clicking the Preview button.

mCLASS Beginning-of-Year Screener

Teachers can click mCLASS-Beginning-of-Year Screener in the left menu or scroll down to the mCLASS Beginning-of-Year Screener section and click mCLASS-Beginning-of-Year Screener to access the Screener.

Teachers will be brought to the mCLASS-Beginning-of-Year Screener page, where they can click the purple Assign button to assign the Screener to a specific class.

Teachers should Assign the BOY screener instead of using single session codes to ensure they can view student data in reporting


Teachers can click Differentiation in the left menu to access the Differentiation for that course.

Boost Personalized Learning, Fluency Practice, Math Adventures, Mini-Lessons, and Extensions are Amplify Desmos Math’s differentiation features that teachers can use to support, strengthen, and stretch students’ learning. Centers are also available for K–5.

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