LDOE Admin Portal: Students list

This is an overview of Admin Portal: Students list.

Updated over a week ago

The Students list page displays a list of all of your enrolled students or the students enrolled in a selected school. Depending on the organizations you have access to, you may need to select a district and/or school at the top of the page.

You can search your Students list by email, last name, first name, identifier (State ID), or username.

You can filter students by grade and status (active, archived, or deactivated). Click Apply filters to filter students, or click Clear filters to clear filters.

After you view the product tour, use the following links to view articles containing more details about specific functions of the Students list page:

If you are a Test Coordinator, you can add, remove, and transfer students and view their Student profile page.

If you have Standard permissions, you can view all students in your classes and their Student profile pages.

Enrolling students

To enroll students, you must have System or Enrollment access.

  1. Click the Students button on the Rosters page to view the list of students you have access to.

  2. Click + Create new students.

  3. In the add students pop-up that displays, you can choose which organization to add students to and select whether to add a single student or multiple students.

Add a single student:

  1. If you select Single student, the Add student panel displays. In the fields on this page, enter the student’s first and last name, state ID, and grade level.

    A unique 10-digit numerical state ID is required. If you receive the error “State ID should be unique,” then this ID has been assigned to another student in the state.

  2. When you have finished entering the student information, click Save new student at the upper right of the page.

    A completion message displays, and the new student record is added. You can then add classes and organizations to the student record.

Add multiple students:

  1. If you select Multiple students, the create new students panel displays.

  2. A single form for adding a student displays, and you can add more student forms (up to 50 students) by entering a number up to 49 in the field to the right of “add rows” and clicking +. If you add too many rows, click the Recycle bin icon next to a row to delete it.

  3. For each student form on the Add multiple students panel, you must select the school in which to add the student (even if you previously selected a school).

  4. Enter the student’s name, state ID, and grade level.

  5. After filling out the forms for all students, click + Create new students to save the form and add the new students.

    The Create new students panel closes, a confirmation displays at the top of the Students list page, and the new students display in the list.

    You may need to select a different school from the Schools list to see the students you added.

    You can add classes and organizations to the new students from each student’s profile page.

How do I add students to classes?

You can add students to existing classes from the Actions list on the Students list page.

  1. Select the students.

  2. From the Actions list, click + Add existing classes.

  3. The add classes panel displays. You can select multiple classes to add to the selected students.

Click + Add Classes to save your changes.

Click here to learn more ways to add students to classes.

How do I edit students?

If the student data was created in Admin Portal by a Test Coordinator, you can edit their information directly in the Admin Portal on their profile page. If the student data was provided by the state, it has to be updated by the state or by Amplify. Please contact your School Test Coordinator to have the state edit the student’s information.

The Actions list

You can add classes to your students or create a new class with the selected students and download student login credentials in a ZIP file.

QR codes are not supported for the Louisiana Department of Education’s State Assessment K-3 Literacy Screener login.

Add classes

  1. If you have not already, select a school in the upper-left navigation.

  2. Select the students.

  3. From the Actions list, select + Add existing classes.

  4. The add classes to students panel displays. You can select multiple classes to add to the selected students.

  5. Click → Next to save your changes and return to the Student list. A confirmation displays.

Create a new class

  1. If you have not already, select a school in the upper-left navigation.

  2. Select the students.

  3. From the Actions list, select + Create a new class.

  4. All the selected students have been added to an empty class profile. Enter the class details and add staff.

  5. Click + Save new class to save your changes.

QR codes

QR codes are not supported for the Louisiana Department of Education’s State Assessment K-3 Literacy Screener login.

Download student credentials

  1. Select the students.

  2. From the Actions list, select Download credentials.

  3. A confirmation displays.

A ZIP file downloads with the selected student’s login credentials, including a QR code, and if Amplify login is activated their Amplify username and password.

How do students log in?

You can get student login information from the Actions list or from the Student profile page. The Actions list gives you the option to download login information for up to 50 students at a time. The Student profile page has a link that opens the Login Options page. From this page, you can generate a username and password.

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