mCLASS Spelling Español Updates
Updated over a week ago

Thank you for assessing with mCLASS Spelling Español! Our team works hard on product enhancements to give you deeper insight into your students’ performance and their next steps. In this spirit, our researchers have updated the benchmark goals for mCLASS Spelling Español. The new goals establish three performance levels: red/yellow/green from the previous yellow/green. This change provides a more precise interpretation of your students' spelling skills.

These new performance levels have been applied retroactively to all historical mCLASS Spelling Español data. The new goals were reflected in Classroom Reporting on June 29 and in mCLASS Admin Reporting (RAS) on July 14. We anticipate this shift will affect approximately 34% of students enrolled before the 2023–2024 school year across grades K–2.

We are excited that this improvement will better support the instructional decisions you make in your classroom. A table containing the updated benchmark goals can be found at the end of this article. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know at or by Amplify chat.

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