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Vocab App: The student experience
Updated over a week ago

How to preview the student experience

There are two different ways that you can try out the student experience to see the Vocab App as your students do.

“Play” option: Preview the full student experience

To access the complete student experience with a linear progression through the word list, progress tracking, levels, and more, click the Play button in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

This will take you to the Student Home page, where you will see a list of available words to play. Just click the Go button to launch the first activity.

Just as your students do, you will progress through each activity in the current word set; after you have completed the final activity (each set is usually 10 activities), you will return to the Home page, where your word list for the day will be cleared.

You can also click the Stats button to see statistics about your own performance in the activities you played and your progress through the word list.

“Words” option: Preview specific words and activities

You can select the Words tab in the Reporting page to preview specific words and activities.

First click any word in the Words table to open specific information about that word.

On the right side of the individual word screen, you will see a list of activities associated with that word; you can preview any or all of these activities by checking the boxes next to them, and then clicking the Preview button in the lower-right corner of the screen.

Student hub and scaffolds

Home page

Whenever your students log in to the Vocab App, they will be taken to the Student Home page.

On this page, students see a list of the words they will encounter in their current Vocab App session. They can click the Go button to begin playing activities.

This page is also home to the Helper, an in-app character that welcomes your students to the Vocab experience, and offers tips on how to use the app.

Students can return to the Home page from activities by clicking the back button in the upper-right corner of any activity page. They can return Home from their Stats view either by clicking the Home button at the top of the page, or by clicking the arrow button to the left of the page.

Stats page

Your students can use the Stats view to track their progress and performance in the activities they complete in the Vocab App. Students can access Stats either by clicking the Stats button at the top of the screen, or by clicking the arrow button on the right side of the Home screen.

When students first open Stats, they will see an overview of their progress through the Vocab App, with visuals and details about the total number of activities they have completed, their longest streak of consecutive correct answers, their overall accuracy rate, and the number of words that they have mastered so far.

They can click the Day, Week, or Month buttons to see information about their accuracy and the total number of activities they have played on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Mastered words list

Your students can click the Mastered Words button at the top of their Home or Stats pages to see a list of all of the words they have mastered so far.

Read-aloud scaffold

The read-aloud scaffold can be a helpful tool for all students who use the Vocab App. However, we particularly recommend it for students who may have difficulty engaging with the Vocab App’s rigorous, grade level materials, such as:

  • Students who are English Learners (ELs)

  • Students who are reading below or well below grade level

  • Students who have learning disabilities like dyslexia

  • Students who have disabilities that impact their vision, but who do not use a screen reader to access the program

Note: By default, the words your student encounters in the Vocab App correspond to their enrolled grade.

How to access read-aloud

Note: When your students open the Vocab App for the first time, read-aloud will be turned off.

Students can turn the read-aloud scaffold on or off at any time from the Settings panel, which they can open by clicking the gear button in the upper-right corner of any Vocab App activity.

From the Settings panel, students can click the Voice drop-down menu and choose from several different voices that will read Vocab App activity content to them. They can also select the No Reader option, which will turn read-aloud off.

Note: The Settings panel also allows your students to adjust the volume of Read-aloud audio when it is active, as well as any in-app sound effects.

After students select a voice, sound control buttons appear beside each text section. Students can click these buttons to play or stop playing read-aloud audio at any time.

If your student chooses to turn read-aloud on, their selection will be saved, so the next time they access the Vocab App, it will already be active for them. They can change their voice selection, adjust volume settings, or turn read-aloud on or off as frequently as they need to whenever they use the Vocab App.

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