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Amplify Math: Digital supports
Amplify Math: Digital supports

A collection of digital assets and features to help support students in an Amplify Math digital class.

Updated over a year ago

Digital supports are a robust set of tools that students can use to solve math problems. Math digital supports will be available to middle school students and teachers.

The digital supports for Amplify Math include the following functionalities:

Teacher Controls

You can control which students have access to each of these digital supports.

The teacher controls also enable you to change the language - between either English or Spanish - for yourself. You can set the languages for students in your class.

1.) To set or change classroom settings, click the three dot icon in the bottom right corner.

2.) From the pop up menu, click Classroom Settings.

  • Note: You can change your language settings by switching to either Spanish or English through this menu, as well.

3.) When you select Classroom Settings, a pop up opens.

4.) Select Language to change the language for students in your class.

5.) To change the digital supports access options, select Lesson Tools.

6.) The following menu opens:

7.) You can now switch access to each of the digitals supports on or off for every individual student in your class.

8.) Ask your students to verify that the correct digital support options are available when switched on, and not available when switched off.

Reminder: Digital supports should also be available for you in the Teacher View, reflecting the settings programmed in the Teacher Tools section of the classroom settings:

Default Settings

Default Settings for Students:

  • Scratchpad defaults to on for everything.

  • For lesson/practice activities, students have access to both scientific and graphing calculators.

  • For assessments, we default calculators to off.

  • The hand raise only shows up when class is started.

Default Settings for Teachers:

  • Scratchpad defaults to on for everything.

  • For lesson/practice activities, teachers have access to both scientific and graphing calculators.

  • For assessments, we default calculators to off.

  • There is no hand raise option for teachers.

Additional Information About Settings

  • Settings carry over from lesson to lesson.

  • When teachers access classroom settings, changes go into effect for students immediately.

The Digital Supports

How Students Access the Digital Supports

If you grant access to any of the digital supports for a student, that student will see a tool icon on their screen.

If you have turned off access to all of the digital supports, the student should not see the tool icon.

1.) Students can access the digital supports by clicking the tool icon:

2.) Once students click the tool icon, a drop down menu displays showing all digital supports you have given that student access to:

3.) Students can select Hide Tools to close the drop down menu:

Below are examples of what the drop down menu would look like for students when you have only given access to some of the digital supports:

a.) Student with access to only the calculator:

b.) Student with access to only the calculator and the scratchpad:

c.) Student with access to calculator, scratchpad, and hand raise:

Calculators (Scientific & Graphing)

In middle school math, students need access to a calculator that is appropriate for their content level. The Desmos graphing and scientific calculators meet that need.

The Student Experience:

How to switch between scientific and graphing calculators:

1.) Once the calculator is open, students can toggle between graphing and scientific by clicking the name of the calculator they are using:

(First time using the feature view)

2.) As long as you have given the student access to both calculators, a dropdown list displays:

3.) The students select the calculator they wish to use.

How to Open and Use the Calculator:

1.) The student should select the calculator option from the tool dropdown menu:

2.) The student can move either of the calculator types around their screen by clicking and holding the top bar and dragging the calculator to the desired location:

3.) The student can make either of the calculators fullscreen by clicking the fullscreen icon:

Following is a view of the scientific calculator in fullscreen:

4.) Students can close the calculator by clicking X:

The Teacher Experience:

You can use the calculators for demonstrations. You can also turn on or off scientific and/or graphing calculator access for students.

Following is the view of a teacher presenting with the calculator:

Following is the view of a teacher using the calculator for the first time:

You can move, make fullscreen, and close your calculators in the same way students can (described in the above How to Open and Use the Calculator section.)

Digital Scratchpad

Students will often need access to a digital scratchspace so they can try out their problems. The new Polypad scratchspace provides a space for students to work out answers without having to have a physical piece of paper and pencil.

Reminder: You can turn on and off access for the scratchpad.

1.) When you make access available, students can access the scratchpad by clicking the tool icon and then finding the scratchpad icon in the dropdown menu:

2.) To open the scratchpad, students click the scratchpad icon:

3.) Once the scratchpad is open, students can move the scratchpad around their screen by clicking and holding the top bar and dragging the scratchpad to their desired location:

4.) Students also have the option to make their scratchpads fullscreen:

5.) When students make their scratchpad full screen, following is what their screen will look like:

6.) Students can close out of the scratchpad by clicking the X icon:

Hand Raise

Students, who are now back in the classroom in person, might be shy and need a way to contact you for help.

The new digital hand raise tool is similar to the hand raise feature in Zoom or Google Meet. You can turn access on or off.

How a student can raise their hand:

1.) The student clicks the raise hand icon in the dropdown menu under the tool icon.

2.) After the student raises their hand, they will get the following message which confirms their teacher has been notified:

3.) Students also have an option to lower their hand if they no longer need your attention by clicking the Lower hand icon:

Teacher Experience:

A student queue will form when students raise their hands:

How to Use the Student Queue:

1.) When you give students in your class access to the hand raise function, you then have the option to view the student queue in the dropdown menu under the tool icon:

2.) Following is the teacher view if no hands are raised:

3.) Following is the teacher view of the queue after several students have raised their hands:

4.) You have the power to lower student hands by clicking Lower hand:

5.) When students raise their hands, you will get a pop up message:

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