Every educator with an mCLASS account has a personal demo class they can use to preview mCLASS assessments. This article will show you how to assign assessments for demo students, get demo student login credentials, and take an assessment as a demo student using the online student assessment platform. You’ll also find information on the new Classroom Reports demo mode.
Practice administering assessments
You can use a demo student account to practice administering the mCLASS observational assessments.
Start an assessment
Tap the mCLASS app shortcut on your device’s Home screen. If you are prompted, log in to mCLASS. (See the mCLASS App Setup Help for instructions on setting up the app and logging in.)
Select a school or classes, if necessary. The School Selection screen displays only if you assess at multiple schools. The Class Selection screen displays if you have more than 150 students in your classes, as the mCLASS app syncs up to 150 students at a time. (Make sure to select your demo class on the Class Selection screen).
The mCLASS dashboard opens.
For more details about the mCLASS dashboard, tap Menu on the upper left of the purple navigation bar. In the panel that displays, tap the Help link for the assessment you are administering.
The Reading dashboard displays when you open the mCLASS dashboard. Tap Español to open the Spanish assessment dashboard. (Note: the Español assessments are available only if your institution is licensed to them.)
Tap the Benchmark button. To practice progress monitoring (PM), tap the Progress button.
Select your demo class from the Class List at the right of the purple top navigation bar.
If the demo class does not display, tap Menu in the upper-left corner to open the Menu and tap Class Selection to return to the Class Selection screen and change classes.Each demo class has 13 students; at least one student in kindergarten through Grade 6.
Scroll down to the Student List and find the student you want to assess (the measures available vary by grade; choose the student based on the measures you want to practice).
Tap the student’s name.
The Student File expands to show the list of assessments for the student.
Benchmark assessment
To begin an assessment, find the measure you want to assess and tap Assess or Evaluar in any time of year (TOY) column. Note: some measures are not required, and display the Optional icon, Optativa icon, or Recomendada icon.
Note: The Assess icon is disabled for measures with gating rules until the student is assessed with the prerequisite gating measure (note that the gating measure may come after other measures in the list, depending on the measure and the student’s grade). For more details on gating rules, see the Help for the measure you are assessing (note that not all measures have gating rules).The measure screen displays.
Read the Reminders and the Instructions carefully, then proceed to the assessment.
Detailed instructions for administering and scoring are provided in the Administration and Scoring section of the Help for each measure (links available in the mCLASS dashboard Menu).
For more information on gating rules, see the gating rules video for the assessment
in the Amplify PD Library (look in the section for the assessment you are practicing).
The gating rules vary depending on the assessment (i.e., DIBELS 8th Edition vs. mCLASS Lectura).
PM assessment
To begin an assessment, find the measure you want to assess in the list of recommended measures and tap Assess or Evaluar. The Assess icon displays in the Assess column for each recommended PM measure. You can also tap the link in the Form column to select a different grade level and/or form number.
If the measure you want to assess is not displayed, tap the All Measures list to view all PM assessments. Tap a measure name and select a grade level and form. Tap OK to start assessment.
Read the Reminders and the Instructions carefully, then proceed to the assessment.
Detailed instructions for administering and scoring are provided in the Administration and Scoring section of the Help for each measure (links available in the mCLASS dashboard Menu).
Finishing the assessment
When you are finished with the assessment, tap Done or Salir.
The mCLASS dashboard displays the results of the measure you administered.
You can tap the result to review the results and invalidate the measure, if necessary.
You may want to invalidate the measure to practice again with the same student and assessment form.
Preview online assessments
You can use a demo student account to preview the student-facing online measures before using mCLASS to assess your students. You can assign assessments and find student login credentials for your demo students on the Student Online Assessment Management page.
The student-facing assessments use audio, so you may wish to use headphones while taking the assessments.
Assign assessments
Navigate to learning.amplify.com and log in.
On Educator Home, go to Your Programs and click mCLASS.
mCLASS Reporting opens. Click Student Online Assessment.
The Student Online Assessment Management page opens to the Setup tab.
Select your demo class from the Class/Group list.
Select English or Spanish. (Note: the Assessment Language buttons are available only if your institution is licensed to assessments in both Spanish and English.)
To assign online assessments to your demo students, locate the rows of the students you want to assign, then locate the columns of the assessments you want them to take. Select the corresponding boxes of each assessment for each demo student. When you select the box for an assessment in a student’s row, it displays a check mark.
You can also assign an assessment to all students in the demo class by selecting the assessment box in the All Students row at the top of the assessment table. When you select the box in the All Students row for an assessment, it displays a check mark. The box displays a horizontal line if one or more students’ boxes in the assessment column are selected, but not all.
If you only wish to preview one assessment, assign only that assessment to the demo student.
You will need to use demo students from different grades if you want to take assessments that are available to different grade levels.
Keep in mind that the measures are presented in a designated order in the student platform.
If you assign more than one assessment to a student, you will need to take all of the assigned measures in the order presented.
When you are finished assigning assessments, click Log Out at the upper right of the page.
After you log out of your staff account, you can navigate to the student assessment platform and use the credentials provided on the Student Online Assessment Management page to log in as a demo student.
Student login credentials
You can find login credentials for your demo students on the Student Online Assessment Management page.
Individual student credentials
To get credentials for one demo student at a time:
In the Amplify Username/Password column at the far right of the Setup table, locate the username and password of the student.
Click the Copy icon to the right of a demo student’s username and password to copy the credentials to the clipboard.
A message displays confirming that you have copied the credentials. You can paste the copied credentials into a document such as a notepad file to refer to when you log in as the demo student.
All demo student credentials
To get credentials for all of your demo students:
In the Amplify Username/Password column at the far right of the Setup table, click the Get all logins list.
Select one of the options from the list to obtain a list of demo student credentials:
Click Print to open a PDF containing the student credentials in a new browser tab. Right-click the page and select Print in the pop-up to print the PDF (or select Save to save the PDF to your computer). You can keep this tab open to refer to it when logging in to the student platform, but if you do so, you will need to use an incognito browser to log in as a demo student.
Click Download CSV to save a CSV spreadsheet file containing the student credentials to your computer.
Student assessments
Once you have the login credentials for your demo students, navigate to learning.amplify.com in a supported browser. For instructions on logging in to mCLASS as a student, see the Student Login section of the Logging in to mCLASS article.
Use the credentials you generated earlier to log in as one of your demo students. On Student Home, click Go (or Start if you are logged in as a Grade 6 student) under mCLASS Complete assessments to navigate to the student assessment platform.
Kindergarten demo student
Grade 6 demo student
Plug in and put on your headphones, if necessary.
On the Welcome screen, click the green Start button to enter the assessment portal and follow the instructions given by the owl avatar to take the assessment.
When you are finished taking the assessment, click the door (Log Out) icon at the upper right of the window to log the demo student out of the portal. Click Log Out in the box that displays.
Classroom Reporting demo
The new Classroom Reporting Demo Mode provides a preview of class and student reporting. To preview Classroom Reporting in Demo Mode, navigate to mCLASS Reporting. Note: Demo Mode is currently available for English Classroom Reporting only.
This video gives a quick walkthrough of the features of Classroom Reporting Demo Mode.
Demo Mode for Classroom Reporting is not connected to your demo classes in mCLASS assessment; instead demo mode uses realistic sample student assessment results to simulate the mCLASS Classroom Reporting experience.
There are two ways to navigate to mCLASS Classroom Reporting:
From the mCLASS app: Tap the Reports link in the mCLASS dashboard Menu. mCLASS Reporting opens.
From Educator Home: Click mCLASS under Your Programs. mCLASS Reporting opens.
In the Amplify navigation, click Demo.
Demo Mode opens in self-guided mode. If you'd like to explore the classroom reports in self-guided mode, select a grade to view the demo reports (available grades are K, 1, 3, and 4, since these grades have unique assessments or features).
Click Turn on Guidance to experience a curated walkthrough of the reporting pages.
The top panel displays your progress through the walkthrough, and a pop-up displays to highlight each feature. Click Next or Previous in the pop-up to navigate.
Some pop-ups have actions for you to perform. Follow the instructions in the pop-up to proceed. In the example screenshot, click Beginning of Year to move to the next step of the walkthrough.
The Beginning of Year Overview pop-up displays.
Click Turn Off Guidance or click x at the top right of a pop-up at any time to exit the walkthrough, or Start Over in the top panel to start the walkthrough from the beginning. Click More Tutorials in the top panel to open a new browser tab and view video tutorials of Classroom Reporting. Click Exit Demo to close Demo Mode and return to mCLASS Reporting.
A completion message displays when you reach the end of the walkthrough. Click Continue to Self Explore to return to Demo Mode, or Go to Benchmark to exit Demo Mode and go to Classroom Reporting.
For more details on the information available to you in mCLASS Classroom Reporting, click the Help links on the Reports pages.
Help and resources
Online Help and resources
Online Help is available for all mCLASS assessments via links in the mCLASS App and mCLASS Classroom Reporting.
To access the online Help:
In the mCLASS app dashboard, tap Menu to open the mCLASS Menu. Under Online Help, tap the link for the Help you want to open.
In the mCLASS Classroom Reports, click the Help link in the report navigation bar to open context-sensitive Help for the page you are currently viewing. There are additional context-sensitive links in the FAQ section of the legend that’s available on some pages of the Classroom Reports.
The mCLASS Resources (available in Programs & Apps) include a number of helpful links.
Training and materials
Also, check out the resources available in the Amplify PD Library. In addition to training modules for the mCLASS products, student assessment materials are available for download.