The Amplify Math: digital experience for sixth through eighth grade and Algebra 1 will be available in both English and Spanish with a direct correlation between the student-facing English and Spanish materials when the toggle is enabled.
You can toggle between English and Spanish language Math curriculum and lesson briefs. You can set a student’s language or allow students to toggle between languages.
Toggle between languages
You can toggle between English and Spanish language for student-facing Math curriculum and lesson briefs in your Class Language settings. For a complete list of the available Spanish Math 6–8 and Algebra 1 content, click here.
You can choose if your students see a language toggle, as well as which language students see. If your students are using a shared account, only students that have a toggle enabled will see a toggle.
You can also view the classroom language settings on the teacher guide page when you’re teaching class.
There is one save across languages, so you will only see one submission per student regardless of language. If a student answers a question in English and then changes the language to Spanish, the original response remains despite the language of the content within the worksheet itself.
Student content in Spanish includes:
Program name
Unit Overview and unit brief
Lesson Brief
Unit titles
Lesson titles and content, including Power-ups
Exit Tickets
Image text and alt-text for images
Closed captioning text for student and caregiver support videos
Practice and Example problems