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Clever Enrollment: Demographics data for Amplify Enrollment

How do I submit student demographics via Clever?

Updated over 4 months ago

If you need to submit demographic data for your students, Clever can ingest values for 14 demographic categories. Seven of these categories can be ingested automatically through SIS auto-sync or via Clever SFTP sync in the students.csv file; the remaining seven categories can be submitted as Clever extension fields. Upon ingestion, you will need to configure your Amplify app settings to ensure this student data is shared for use in Amplify Enrollment.

Ingesting student demographics via students.csv

If you use an SIS Sync to ingest your student information into Clever, you can import the first seven demographic categories by ensuring your SIS headers for these categories are mapped to the Clever headers found in students.csv.

This guide from Clever will help you format the five CSV files used for SFTP syncs. Student demographics are ingested via the students.csv file. The table that follows displays the demographic fields available through Clever and the corresponding supported values. Demographic values are not required to ingest student records but must be provided if your district requires demographic data for Amplify aggregate reporting.

Column Header

Supported Values


M (Male)

F (Female)

X (Non-binary)


A (Asian)

B (Black or African-American)

I (American Indian or Alaska Native)

M (Multiracial)

P (Hawaiian or Pacific Islander)

W (White)


Y (Yes)

N (No)


“English”, “Albanian”, “Amharic”, “Arabic”, “Bengali”, “Bosnian”, “Burmese”, “Cantonese”, “Chinese”, “Dutch”, “Farsi”, “French”, ”“German”, “Hebrew”, “Hindi”, “Hmong”, “Ilocano”, “Japanese”, “Javanese”, “Karen”, “Khmer”, “Korean”, “Laotian”, “Latvian”, “Malay”, “Mandarin”, “Nepali”, “Oromo”, “Polish”, “Portuguese”, “Punjabi”, “Romanian”, “Russian”, “Samoan”, “Serbian”, “Somali”, “Spanish”, “Swahili”, “Tagalog”, “Tamil”, “Telugu”, “Thai”, “Tigrinya”, “Turkish”, “Ukrainian”, “Urdu”, “Vietnamese”


Y (Yes)

N (No)


F (Free)

R (Reduced)

N (No discount)


Y (Yes)

N (No)

Please note that because Clever considers the data submitted for ell_status, frl_status, and iep_status to be sensitive, these values may not be shared automatically with district-connected applications. To share these fields manually with Amplify:

  1. Navigate to the Amplify overview page and click the Settings tab.

  2. Scroll to Field Access, and click Advanced settings.

  3. Select Customize fields shared with Amplify and click Customize fields.

  4. On the Edit Student Fields page, the fields you uploaded in students.csv display in the left column under Fields. Click each field you want to share; it moves to the right column under Share with Amplify.

  5. Click Next to continue through the Edit Contact Fields and Edit District Admin Fields pages.

  6. On the Edit Extension Fields page, click Save.

  7. When student records sync with Amplify, the demographic values are added for use in Amplify aggregate reporting.

Ingesting student demographics via extension fields

If you use an SIS Sync or an auto sync that does not use SFTP files to ingest your student information into Clever, you can add these custom fields by reaching out to Clever support to set up the necessary field mapping. Also, if your district syncs the same custom field through SIS sync or another custom data sync, those values will take precedence over values uploaded through the custom extension fields.

Demographic information for the remaining seven categories can be uploaded directly via Clever through extension fields. This is accomplished by uploading a custom CSV file containing a column for the student’s SIS ID and one column for each of the seven requested demographic categories. If you submit files via SFTP, you may also append these headers to your students.csv file.

Preparing your CSV file

The file you will upload is an extension of the students.csv file, so it must be named students_ext.csv. It should contain the following headers:

  • sis_id

  • ext.idea_indicator

  • ext.disability_status

  • ext.primary_disability_type

  • ext.section_504_status

  • ext.economic_disadvantage_status

  • ext.migrant_status

  • ext.title_i

The sis_id should be the student’s ID from your SIS. To see what value is being synced as the sis_id in Clever, you can review the values for individual students by going to their Clever Profile page and looking under the header "Student ID."

The value for each student demographic should be a valid Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) demographic option, or null when the demographic does not apply. Accepted values and descriptions for each category can be found in the CEDS specifications:

Additionally, you can specify whether a student is receiving services through a Title I-funded program by entering Yes or No.

A completed students_ext.csv will follow this example.

Uploading students_ext.csv

Your students_ext.csv file can be uploaded from your Clever Dashboard by clicking Support Tools and then clicking Custom Data.

  1. On the Custom Data screen that opens, click Add custom data and select Upload Fields.

  2. Click Upload students_ext.csv.

  3. Add your file, and it will start syncing automatically. Depending on the size of the file, it may take 15 minutes or longer for the data to process.

  4. To verify that your file is processing, or to see a report on the data changes when it finishes processing, navigate from your district dashboard to Support Tools > Custom Data > Reports. When the file has processed, you can view details about the update, see if your upload contained any errors, or download your district’s custom field files.

Sharing your custom data fields

After the custom data fields have synced, you will need to share them with Amplify.

  1. Navigate to the Amplify overview page and click the Settings tab.

  2. Scroll to Field Access, and click Advanced settings.

  3. Select Customize fields shared with Amplify and click Customize fields.

  4. Click Next to advance through the Edit Student Fields, Edit Contact Fields, and Edit District Admin Fields pages.

  5. On the Edit Extension Fields page, the extension fields you uploaded display in the left column under Fields. Click each field you want to share; it moves to the right column under Share with Amplify.

  6. When you finish selecting the fields you want to share, click Save. The demographic data becomes available to your district’s app in the Clever API.

  7. When student records sync with Amplify, the demographic values are added for use in Amplify aggregate reporting.

You can learn more about how Clever ingests and uses extension fields via this Clever support article.

Please note that some links in this article lead to the Clever help center. Links and the referenced articles are provided for your convenience, but they are maintained by Clever and may change without notice.

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