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Admin Portal: Organizations

This is an overview of the Admin Portal’s Organizations page.

Updated over a week ago

Organizations list

The Organizations page displays a list of the organizations (i.e., districts and schools) you have access to. Depending on the organizations you have access to, you may need to select a district at the upper left of the page. You can edit multiple schools at once.

If you are a district administrator, contact Amplify Customer Care and Support to deactivate a school.

After you view the product tour, use the following links to view articles containing more details about specific functions of the Organizations list page:

You can search organizations by Name, Identifier, and MDR ID.

You can filter organizations by grade and type (district or school). Click Apply filters to filter organizations or click Clear filters to remove filters.

Organizations profiles

The Organization’s profile displays the organization’s details (school name, school ID, MDR Permanent ID (PID), low grade, high grade, school location, and school website).

  • If you have System or Enrollment access permission, you can edit organization details.

  • Only staff with System or Enrollment access permissions can access organization profiles.

Actions list

You can select multiple organizations in the Organizations list. When you select organizations, the Actions list displays in the breadcrumb menu. From the Actions list, you can change the details for multiple organizations without having to open each profile individually or download a CSV. District organizations cannot be updated via Batch Upload.

To bulk edit organizations, you must have System or Enrollment access.

  1. Select the organizations.

  2. When you select one or more schools, the Actions list displays in the breadcrumbs menu.

Edit organizations

  1. Select the organizations to edit.

  2. From the Actions list, click Edit organizations. The Bulk edit panel displays.

    In the panel that displays, you can edit the identifier of your organizations.

    Be aware that changing the District or School ID of an organization will be reflected in your Amplify programs. This may affect other educators using the Admin Portal as well as educators and students associated with the organization.

  3. Click Save Updates to save your edits or click Cancel to cancel the changes.

    The Organizations list page and any edits you saved displays.

  4. Make sure to only select the boxes for the organizations you want to apply changes to. Edits are applied to all selected organizations when you click Save Updates (with the exception of District or School ID edits, which are applied to individual organizations).

Download organizations:

  1. Select the organizations.

  2. From the Actions list, select Download organizations.

A users-schools.csv file containing the selected schools downloads. District organizations are not downloaded in the users-schools.csv file and cannot be updated via Batch Upload. Users-schools.csv contains the school ID and school name with empty fields for all other column headers in the users.csv file. You can modify this file to update the information for your schools or adjust rostering for the staff or students in those schools.

How to add an organization

To add an organization, you must have system or enrollment access.

  1. Click Organizations on the Rosters page.

  2. Click + New School in the header of the Organization list page.

  3. In the add organization window that displays, select whether to add a Single school or Multiple schools.Click the Organizations button on the Rosters page to open the Organizations list page.

Add a single school

  1. If you select Single school, the new school profile page displays. In the fields on this page, enter the school name and School ID. You can also enter the school’s low grade, high grade, MDR PID, location, and website (optional).

    When you have finished entering the school information, click Create new school at the upper right of the page.

  2. A completion message displays, and the new school is added. You can then add classes, programs, and students to the school.

Add multiple schools

  1. If you select Multiple schools, the Create new schools panel displays.

  2. A single form for adding a school displays. You can add more schools (up to 50 schools) by entering a number up to 49 in the field to the right of “add rows” and clicking +. If you add too many rows, click the Recycle bin next to a row to delete it.

  3. Enter the school name and school ID for each school. You can also enter the low grade and high grade (optional).

After filling out the forms for all schools, click + Create new schools to save the form and add the new schools to your district.

How to edit an organization

To edit an organization, you must have System or Enrollment access.

  1. Click Organizations on the Rosters page.

  2. Click the name of the organization that you want to edit.

  3. In the Organization profile page that displays, you can click the field that you want to edit and enter the new details.

  4. When you edit a field, a green bar displays at the top of the screen with the option to Cancel or Save Updates.

  5. Click Save Updates to save your changes.

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