The Amplify Math Lesson Brief lives on a smooth, scrollable page that makes it easy to find key information to help you prepare. Additionally, the design makes it faster to navigate between lessons.
Planning information is accessible for teachers as they scroll through the Lesson Brief, and students also benefit from the more streamlined layout.
Teacher View:
Student view:
Jump between each section of the page by clicking the index in the left column or the Back to top button in the bottom-left corner.
Click on a lesson under Sub-Units to access a menu that contains:
Focus emphasizes learning goals and important points of the lesson.
Coherence establishes the skills students will build on while also explaining the knowledge they will gain in current and future lessons.
Rigor explains challenging concepts students will undertake in the lesson.
Standards outline different standards that the lesson addresses, builds on, and builds towards.
Suggested Pacing offers suggested timings teachers can use to cover each part of the lesson.
Modifications to Pacing provides teachers with ways to shorten the lesson if there is a lack of time.
Featured Digital Activity highlights a specific digital activity within the lesson.
Materials Needed provides a list of items needed for this lesson.
Practice outlines specific information on each practice problem, such as the standards and depth of knowledge of each problem.
Building Math Identity and Community explains how students develop their mathematical identity and build effective habits of mind in the lesson.
Under Materials, additional lesson resources are provided as PDFs for download:
Exit Ticket serves as a quick formative assessment students can use at the end of the lesson.
Student Edition (SE) pages are available for using a print copy of the SE pages of the lesson.
Teacher Edition (TE) pages are available for using a print copy of the TE pages of the lesson.
Blackline Masters (BLMs) contain visual resources to supplement the lesson.