Unlocking assessments gives students access to complete assessments. Locking students from assessments removes access from those assessments to the student. By default, assessments are all locked for students.
To begin to unlock an assessment, navigate to the Unit Overview.
On the Unit Overview page, you will see several types of assessments: Pre-Unit Readiness, End of Unit, and Performance Task.
Go to the assessment you would like to assign, and click the purple Settings section at the bottom.
A pop-up window will appear and in that window you can lock/unlock students by class or individually. You can click Unlock all students on the top of the list and that will unlock the assessment for all students in the class. You can, instead, individually unlock the students by clicking on the toggle next to their name.
Math assessments have multiple forms, so that you can assign different versions of the same test to students. To do this, click the Assign a form list on the upper right or the list next to the individual students to select the form you wish to assign.
Once a student begins the assessment, this assignment cannot be changed.
Once students have completed the assessment, navigate back to this screen, and lock the students the same way you unlocked them by either individually clicking the toggle next to each of their names or by clicking Lock all students.