Amplify OneRoster CSV Upload Portal: Data Browsing

Locate a specific record among your data and view all its related information

Updated over a week ago

The Data Browsing page displays all the different enrollment entities you have uploaded to the Amplify OneRoster CSV Upload Portal via your chosen Import app, and it provides filtering so you can find specific attributes within your enrollment records or view the enrollment data available to a specific Export app.

The page is organized into three areas:

  • The Application list, where you can select a specific Export app to view the enrollment data available to it.

  • The Filters, where you can filter a data type (e.g., Schools, Students, Teachers, etc.) by a specific attribute so only the records matching that attribute display in the enrollment data report.

  • The Data Browsing report, where you can view all the data uploaded via your CSVs broken down by data type.

The Application List

The Application list filters the Data Browsing report so it displays only the enrollment data available to a specific Export app.

The Amplify OneRoster CSV Upload Portal has two Export apps:

  • Amplify - Exports data into the enrollment system for all Amplify programs.

  • Amplify mCLASS - Exports data into the enrollment system for mCLASS only.

    The Amplify mCLASS app is only available for returning mCLASS institutions; exports to the Amplify app now enroll staff and students into mCLASS.

Only activated Export apps display in the Application list. Click the app name to select it.

The Data Browsing report updates to show only the enrollment records available to the selected app, and a yellow warning banner alerts you to the fact that only a subset of your enrollment records displays in the Data Browsing report.

Return to displaying all data by clicking the X at the right of the Application list or here in the yellow warning at the top of the page.


Filters limit the number of records that display in the Data Browsing report so only the records containing a selected attribute are included. If you are not filtering and would prefer to view more records in the Data Browsing report, you can hide the Filters area by clicking its blue banner.

The list of available filters corresponds to the selected data type (e.g., Schools, Students, Teachers) currently displaying in the Data Browsing report.

  1. Click the Attribute list at the left to select the attribute by which you wish to filter your data. The most commonly used attributes display at the top of the list; you may need to scroll through the list to locate the filter attribute. In this example, we want to filter the list of teachers to display just those at Amplify School E2, so we need to scroll to locate and select Primary School Name.

  2. Next, select the Condition for the attribute:

    1. Contains text displays only the records that contain the entered value in the selected attribute.

    2. Does not contain text displays only the records that do not contain the entered value in the selected attribute.

    3. Is empty displays only the records with a null value for the selected attribute.

    4. Is not empty displays all the records with a value for the selected attribute.

      Continuing with the previous example, we select contains text so we can specify a school name in the next step.

  3. Finally, enter the value by which you want to filter. If any values match what you’re entering, they will display in a list under the field; you can select your filter value from that list.

    Completing the example, we select Amplify School E2 from the list.

  4. A green check displays on the filter icon when the filter information is complete, and the Data Browsing report updates to display only the records matching the specified filter criteria. The header tab for that data type also updates to display the number of records that meet the filter criteria.

    In this example, 2 of the 3 teacher records are enrolled at Amplify School E2, so only those two teachers display in the Data Browsing report table.

  5. If you would like to filter a data type by a second attribute, you can click New Filter in the Filters area and repeat steps 1 through 3. If your filter selections do not match any records, the message “No data to display” appears in the Data Browsing report.

Note that your filter selections persist even if you navigate to a different tab in the Data Browsing report or to a different page in the portal. When at least one filter is applied, the blue Filters header displays the number of applied filters. To clear a filter, click the Garbage Can icon to its right in the Filters area.

The Data Browsing report

The Data Browsing report organizes all the data from your CSV imports into tables that display the key attributes for every enrollment record. You can view tables for the following data types: Schools, Students, Teachers, Courses, Classes, Calendars, and Admins. A navigation banner at the top of the table displays these data types; the currently selected data type displays in blue and is underlined. Click the left and right arrows at either side of the banner to reveal the tabs for additional data types.

When the Data Browsing page opens, the Schools tab is selected; click a different data type to select its tab and view the corresponding data type. The blue header row contains the attributes for the selected data type, and every corresponding record displays as a row in the table body. The total number of records displays under the data type in the report navigation banner.

The Data Browsing report displays 20 rows per page; you may need to scroll to display them all. If you would like to view more records on a single page, you can set the report to display 50 or 100 records per page by going to the bottom of the report and selecting a different number from the Items Per Page list. When the complete number of records exceeds this selection, those records display on additional pages; use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate to the first, previous, next, or last page.

Sort the table body by a specific attribute by clicking that attribute name in the blue header row. A caret to the right of an attribute name indicates the selected column and the sort order. In this example, the Students table is sorted in ascending alphabetical order by student Last Name.

Clicking the column a second time reverses the sort order.

If the Data Browsing report contains columns that you do not want to view, or you would like to view fewer columns so values aren’t truncated, click the Settings icon at the right of the blue header row. In the Columns window that opens, click a selected column name to clear that selection and remove the column from the table.

When you finish making or clearing selections, click Apply to return to the report, which now displays only the selected columns.

Clicking a row in the Data Browsing report opens a details page for that record; clicking a blue item within a row opens the details page for that attribute. On the details page Overview tab, which opens by default, you can view all the attributes and IDs associated with that record.

Clicking a blue link opens the related entity’s details page, and clicking the Copy icon to the right of an Identifier copies that ID to your computer’s clipboard. Click the Left Arrow at the top of the details page to return to the Data Browsing report; click the History tab to view information about the data imports that affected this record.

The History report shows a comprehensive list of the data imports that have affected this record. Added attributes display highlighted in green; deleted attributes display highlighted in red. You can type an attribute name to view the complete history for just that attribute. Clicking a blue link opens the related entity’s details page, and clicking the Copy icon to the right of an attribute value copies that ID to your computer’s clipboard. Click the Left Arrow at the top of the details page to return to the Data Browsing report.

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