Online assessments are completed by students on a supported device and can be administered to a group of students all at once. You can assign online mCLASS assessments to individual students or to your entire class or group.
This video shows a brief overview of how to use Student Online Assessment Management to assign online assessments.
Student Online Assessment Management
Use Student Online Assessment Management to select the students you want to assess online, view and print student login credentials, or invalidate the results of online benchmark assessments. Any selections you make on the Student Online Assessment Management page are saved automatically.
Access Student Online Assessment Management
Navigate to the Student Online Assessment Management page from Educator Home.
From Educator Home, go to Your Programs and click mCLASS.
mCLASS Reporting displays. Click Assessment in the Amplify navigation bar. Select a school or classes, if prompted.
Teacher-Administered Assessment opens. Click Student Online Assessment in the sub navigation.
The Student Online Assessment Management page opens.
How to administer online assessments
The English and Spanish mCLASS Early Literacy Measures and mCLASS Express are administered online. In addition, the Maze measure in mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition and the CP measure in mCLASS Lectura are available for online administration. Students complete these measures on a desktop, laptop, or tablet computer.
We recommend the online version of Maze and CP, in which the benchmark and progress monitoring (PM) forms are presented in a browser window, and students click the correct response for each item. Results are calculated automatically and shown in the mCLASS English and Spanish classroom reports.
Instructions to administer CP Online:
In cases where devices are not available to administer online assessments, we still support web entry of scores from paper-pencil assessments. Please note that item-level detail reports are not available for web-entered assessment results.
Benchmark windows for online assessment
The benchmark testing windows for online assessment match observational assessment, i.e., assessments remain open and available to assign to students once the testing window starts.
The Beginning-of-Year (BOY) assessments remain open until the Middle-of-Year (MOY) period starts, which then remain open until the End-of-Year (EOY) period starts.
This supports additional testing as required by local educational policies, such as for dyslexia screening.
English and Spanish online testing windows
Your district can schedule different testing windows by language to better fit your testing schedules, e.g., a district leader may schedule Spanish testing a week after English testing. To support this feature the Student Online Assessment Management page has an English dashboard and a Spanish dashboard. This means that you will manage your English assessments on the English dashboard and your Spanish assessments on the Spanish dashboard. You will still set your testing windows through Amplify support as you have done in the past.
English assessment dashboard
In the following example, the English dashboard is selected. Note that the benchmark window (under Assessment Period) is set for 3/29/2024 through 5/1/2024.
Spanish assessment dashboard
In the following example, the Spanish dashboard is selected. Note that the benchmark window (under Assessment Period) is set for 5/20/2024 through 6/21/2024.
District administrators
If you are a district administrator assigning assessments to students in your schools, refer to the guide for district-level student online assessment assignment: Student online assessment guide for district admins.
This video shows a brief overview of how to use district Student Online Assessment Management to assign online assessments to students in your schools.