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How to Capture a HAR File
Updated over a week ago

If you are experiencing complex technical issues, the Amplify support team may ask to collect additional information via HAR files. HAR files can be saved from Chrome or Safari to provide details about how your browser interacts with the Amplify platform at the moment an error occurs.

Google Chrome Instructions

When the issue you’d like to report occurs...

1. In the Chrome header, go to View > Developer > Developer Tools. A new panel should open within your Chrome window.

2. Select the Network tab.

3. Ensure the circle in the top left of the DevTools window is red rather than dark grey. “Preserve log” should be checked. “Disable cache” should be unchecked.

4. Once you have recreated the issue, save the HAR file by right-clicking any row in the table and selecting "Save as HAR with content". Save the HAR file to your device.

5. Email the HAR file to your Amplify contact. Thank you!

Safari Instructions

When the issue you’d like to report occurs…

1. In the Safari header, go to Develop* and select Show Web Inspector. A new panel should open within your Safari window.
*If Develop is not an option in your Safari header, you may need to go to the Safari header and select Preferences. In the Advanced tab of the window that appears, make sure “Show Develop menu in menu bar” is checked.

2. Select the Network tab in the web inspector panel. “Preserve log” should be checked. You may need to make the inspector panel wider to see the Preserve Log checkbox.

3. Click the Export button on the far right of the network tab and save the HAR file to your device. You may need to make the web inspector panel wider to see the Export button.

4. Email the HAR file to your Amplify contact. Thank you!

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