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Amplify ELA: Spotlight

Digital app to highlight strong examples of student work

Updated over 11 months ago

Spotlight is an app within the Amplify ELA platform that enables you to easily highlight examples of your students' work and project excerpts for instruction—or simply for student appreciation. You can copy student responses from Classwork and paste them into Spotlight walls to share with the class.

How to add Spotlights

  1. Open Classwork to read student writing.

  2. Open the Spotlight app and start creating a Spotlight wall.

  3. As you read student writing in Classwork, look for strong examples of student work.

  4. Click Copy Writing below the student response to copy their writing to the clipboard.

  5. In the Spotlight app, paste the excerpt on the wall, and trim it down if needed. The excerpt should be bite-sized—300 words or fewer—so that you can Spotlight at least 2 or 3 students a day with a big font that is easy to read quickly. Next, correct any spelling or mechanical errors select the student, tag the skill, and post the excerpt.

  6. Share the Spotlight with your students.

Although you have the Spotlight app within the global navigation menu, students do not have access to the Spotlight app.

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