In order to provide the same level of quality assessment materials for Spanish speakers, we committed to research and collaboration with experts in Spanish literacy and dual language instruction to develop a book set from the ground up that is truly representative of how Spanish language is developed and inclusive of the students it serves.
The Text Reading and Comprehension (TRC) benchmark book set for Spanish, Amplify Atlas Español, is an authentic leveled book set consisting of 54 titles that covers levels A through Z (as well as print concept [PC] and reading behaviors [RB]) covering a wide range of literary and informational genres for grades K–6. There are two titles per text level and one title each for PC and RB.
The Atlas Español book set is based on more up-to-date research on Spanish literacy development within dual language contexts. The updates include:
Modified text features, including genre, text structure, content, themes, language, vocabulary, illustrations, and book and print features.
Every book has been written from ground up in authentic Spanish from existing stories in English
All comprehension questions are written in consideration of the Common Core State Standards en Español.
This book set is used within the mCLASS® Text Reading and Comprehension benchmark assessment for the purpose of determining the reading level at which the student is able to read with accuracy and for meaning.
TRC Spanish includes an optional Written Comprehension task (for levels F-Z) like its English counterpart. This task provides information about the student’s general understanding of the text through writing and it addresses the demands of the questions and uses text-relevant information to show understanding.
The TRC assessment includes optional scoring rubrics in language and writing to evaluate students’ responses to oral and written comprehension tasks. The language rubric includes dimensions of retell and oral language. The writing rubric includes dimensions of grammar, spelling, and word use. These rubrics provide additional information about the student’s language and writing skills from responses to the oral and written comprehension tasks in TRC assessment.
Teachers can access assessment results within the Español classroom reporting suite.