Thank you so much for trying Amplify ELA. This Getting Started Guide will help you gain access to the Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe Quest and get comfortable with the program. These instructions are for trial users only.
This demo does not include Amplify’s Grade Book or support the function to submit work to the teacher. If you would like to learn more about these features, contact your Amplify representative to request a demo of the licensed product. Also, if you plan on using this demo in the classroom, students should use the same device (laptop, tablet, etc.) throughout their experience to maintain their completed work in the program.
Sign up for the Quest
Click here to sign up as an educator.
Sign up with your Google account or create an Amplify account with your email address and a password. Fill in the fields with the requested information and click Continue.
Enter your information, accept the terms and privacy policy, and click Sign Up.
Click Play to preview the Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe Quest or click Go to My Account to create a class and get your students started.
Preview the Quest
Click Play to preview the Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe Quest.
Once you enter the Quest, review the menu items from the Overview tab to get your bearings.
Review the menu items from the Prep tab to understand what is necessary for successful implementation.
If you’re ready to introduce the Quest to students, or if you’re demoing the Quest, go to the Running the Quest tab.
Play the Introduction Animation from the Materials.
Follow the instructions and prompts. Items with a speech bubble provide a script for you to read to students.
Use the navigation on the left to continue through each chapter.
Preview the student experience by clicking Student View in the top navigation. You can also go directly to the student view of a specific chapter from that chapter.
Read the introduction, then click on the cover of the notebook to open. Explore on your own by clicking through all the tabs inside the notebook.
Once you're ready to return to the teacher account, click Back to Teacher Guide App in the bar at the bottom of the screen.
Create a class
To add a class, go to and click Add Class.
Enter your class name and select a grade level.
Select the Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe app and click Assign Program.
Click Copy Class Code and share with your students.
Student sign-up
Instruct your students to go to and click Student sign up.
Students will enter the Class Code you shared and click Continue.
Students enter their information in the form to complete registration and click Sign Up. If they already have an account with Amplify, they can click Log In.
Students click Join this Class to continue. If the class details are incorrect, students click Try again to reenter the class code.
Students land on Student Home. Your students are now in your Class. They have access to the Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe Quest and can log in to start the quest.
Starting the Quest
From your programs, click Poe Quest to open the quest.
Click Start.
A password box displays. Students must enter a password before continuing. The password will set the Quest’s ending.
This Quest has multiple endings. The Quest defaults to Ending 1, but educators can choose the ending from the top navigation of the quest.
This can be helpful when you are running multiple endings with multiple classes. When you choose a different ending, all the relevant documents change within the main body of the teacher’s guide. Choose an ending and instruct students to enter the corresponding password.
For Ending 1, tell students to enter the password “Clue.”
For Ending 2, tell students to enter the password “Reaper.”
For Ending 3, tell students to enter the password “Ghost.”
You and your students can now enjoy the Quest!